Let me re-introduce myself... my name is Diva!

Welcome back Diva. Congratulations on the baby boy. Now tell that little fellow he's gonna have to learn how to share. We missed you. :D

The braids are fierce. You did a great job.
Hey Ya'll!!!
I feel soooo guilty. Lil' Papa is like almost 17 months old and ya'll are congratulating me on having him because I've been MIA. The boy is just plain ole busy!!! Imma try and catch up on the posts, then reply. Thank you everyone for embracing me and making me feel very welcome... I have been here all the time.

P.S. I couldn't resist it, but COWGIRL!!! You are doin' the darn thang!!!
yeah my braid partner is bizak!! how does that toykalon work ?...i may use it when i take these kankalon's out this month...
Heeeyyyy Diva! I've been out of the loop a little myself! I wish I had the energy to braid my own hair right now I still have my same cornrows from 8/20, this is the longest I've ever kept cornrows in. I guess I'll be getting my hair rebraiding when I take these out next week because like you I won't have time once the little one comes.
AJamericanDiva said:
Hey all... I haven't posted in the hair forum in a while, although I have been reading. Things have changed quite a bit since I had the baby. I experienced hair growing burnout... not to say that I was slacking on my haircare, but I wasn't as "obsessed" as before... now I know ya'll know what that means!!! I started this in March of 2003 and that time LIVED on this board 24/7. After having the baby, just didn't have as much time. Nonetheless, I have decided to push on with fervent vigor to waistlength hair. Monday I bought some Tokyalon hair and just got to braiding. Then next thing you know, it was done... Imma sport these for a while and looking to tack on 4 healthy inches of hair.... how is everyone else doing? Here are some pics (click 'em to make them larger)...

Here are some popular threads I've authored...
Diva's personal tips for braid success

Discouraged 4a/4bs this thread's for you!

Your hair looks great!!

:OT: Your baby is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! AWWW! He looks sweet as pie!