is 6 wks too soon to relax


Well-Known Member
I received a relaxer about 6 weeks ago. There was some breakage in the back, but that was due to matting and untangled hair. I believe that I was under processed. I experienced new growth 2 weeks later. I know my hair grows quick but geesh. I have a considerable amount of new growth, should I relax or not.
I received a relaxer about 6 weeks ago. There was some breakage in the back, but that was due to matting and untangled hair. I believe that I was under processed. I experienced new growth 2 weeks later. I know my hair grows quick but geesh. I have a considerable amount of new growth, should I relax or not.

ABSOLUTELY NOT! I don't mean to yell, but at most you have 1/2" of NG and it may seem like more because you were underprocessed. I would just tough out the next 4 weeks and flat iron lightly the underprocessed area to camoflage.
If you were under processed (and it sounds like you were), then you can do a corrective. 6 weeks is fine. I've done it at 4 weeks because I couldn't stand it anymore and my hair didn't suffer at all. There are some good threads about correctives.
If you can wait the additional two weeks, you should but if it's underprocessed and hard to deal with, then relaxing at six weeks won't kill you. I've done it before for a corrective.
I used to get relaxers EVERY 6-8 weeks....usually every 6 if I had the money. Never damaged my hair. If your stylist knows what she's doing then I don't see what the problem is.
Nope. Just relaxed at 6 weeks last week. Just remember to really coat the previously relaxed hair with oil and/or conditioner.
Nope. Just relaxed at 6 weeks last week. Just remember to really coat the previously relaxed hair with oil and/or conditioner.

I am sooo thrilled that you replied.. I've been following your blog for a while. Bc I noticed that we use almost the same products. EVOO, WGO, sulfate free shampoo (i use creme of nature), I used to use Keracare humecto (until I found out that Nairobi humeta-sil works way better... Even better than AOHSR)

You've had awesome progress and are one of my hair mentors.. LOL!!
I am sooo thrilled that you replied.. I've been following your blog for a while. Bc I noticed that we use almost the same products. EVOO, WGO, sulfate free shampoo (i use creme of nature), I used to use Keracare humecto (until I found out that Nairobi humeta-sil works way better... Even better than AOHSR)

You've had awesome progress and are one of my hair mentors.. LOL!!

Awhhh :blush3: Thanks, girlie. I appreciate it. I've never even heard of Humeta-sil. I don't know why but my hair has been craving protein lately. It can't get enough of the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.

EVOO, WGO, and sulfate free shampoos are the business!:grin:
I think people are stretching relaxers longer than 6 weeks, so now 6 weeks seems too soon. It basically depends on the state of your hair. If your hair is breaking and weak, 6 weeks is too soon. If it seems strong and is in good shape, then 6 weeks is fine.:yep: Make sure to do a protein treatment and deep condition.