In what order? Wash, condition or condition, wash?


Well-Known Member
In which order do you recommend?

KeraCare Dry and Itchy Scalp Shampoo Wash
ORS Hair Mayonnaise treatment
KeraCare Humecto Deep Conditioning
ORS Leave-in

And in where in all of this do I clarify?
First, I wouldn't use the ORS Mayo weekly only because it's a protein and tends to be a bit drying. I use this as well, am relaxed and found once a week was too much. You may find that once a month for this is sufficient so pay attention to how your hair reacts to determine if you should adjust the frequency.

That said:
1. ORS Hair Mayonnaise treatment (as a pre poo. See Kinikakes fotki for how she uses as well)
2. KeraCare Dry and Itchy Scalp Shampoo Wash
3. KeraCare Humecto Deep Conditioning (with heat)
4. ORS Leave-in

Second, I clarify once a month, so I would sub the KeraCare for a clarifying poo.

My sequence :yep:

edit: Also, as your hair becomes more moisturized, you may want to switch to KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo...I found this to be more moisturizing long term. HTH
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For my normal co-wash wash day a week. I would wash with

wash with TJ Nourish Spa
rinse with ACV and leave that on for a few minutes
use ORS Replenishing Pak rinse out
Leave In
First, I wouldn't use the ORS Mayo weekly only because it's a protein and tends to be a bit drying. I use this as well, am relaxed and found once a week was too much. You may find that once a month for this is sufficient so pay attention to how your hair reacts to determine if you should adjust the frequency.

That said:
1. ORS Hair Mayonnaise treatment (as a pre poo. See Kinikakes fotki for how she uses as well)
2. KeraCare Dry and Itchy Scalp Shampoo Wash
3. KeraCare Humecto Deep Conditioning (with heat)
4. ORS Leave-in

I second this. And also agree that the KeraCare Hydrating is the best shampoo! My staple shampoo...