In Defense of Gabby Douglas' Hair (spoiler alert)

Geez, I would hate to have Gabby see all of the negativity about her hair, when she has accomplished so much. So it all comes down to her hair?

Once she gets her endorsements and starts bringing in big money, it's going to be how you like me now!

Sadly, Twitter made this headline news :sad: They are talking about her hair on CNN :sad: It was also trending on Yahoo :sad: I guess Curly Nikki has been selected to answer all the questions regarding negro hair :look:

You know, I could deal with it being talked about on a hair forum (even though I really thought people should lay off, I could see why people HERE would say something), but CNN? Seriously? She's a black girl doing wonderful things in front of the world and there's a big focus on her hair, and it's not for the positive. Nice. :rolleyes:
what is wrong with America instead of celebrating this child you make sure she gets new insecurities, she is competing for the country the last thing she needs at the moment its people concentrating on her looks..
dont you have national issues to worry yourself about except other people hair, i can tranfer some of my countries issues to you
This girl is fit and doing her thing and going places, and the people complaining about her are home on their laptops stuffing their faces with cupcakes and probably have a 1 inch ponytail. STFU. Let's see if your perfect relaxer will get you that damned far in life.
:lachen:1 Inch ponytail:lol:
Gabbys hair was fine. This was probably the most important moment in her life thus far. She handled it with grace and style. We should all learn how to push thru the hard days. She is my new hero!!
Proof of how social media is destroying and distracting us from positivity. Her pony tail is fine, all the gymnast hair is in a boring weird bun with tons of hair clips and what? Last night her hair was down in a commercial and I would say it was between APL and BSL and think and long. She also a pretty girl, jealously is a *****.
I DO NOT understand can someone tell me what the hell was even wrong with her hair in the first place? Seriously.
I can't believe that this woman even wrote this article. Why give this mess center stage? I am not on Twitter, thank goodness. I wasn't even thinking about her hair until I saw the threads here. The bling from that team gold medal, her smile and performances had me too dazzled to see anything else. Twitter seems to be the home of the ignorant and foolishly impulsive. So glad I passed on that.

I'm on twitter. I didn't see any of the hair comments, just a bunch of comments congratulating Gabby. Some people so proud they were in tears. It all depends on who you follow or which hashtags you choose to follow.

I can't believe that all some people could think of to say about a key moment in Olympic history is negative comments about hair anyway. They need a reality check. Hair is not the most important thing in the world.
I DO NOT understand can someone tell me what the hell was even wrong with her hair in the first place? Seriously.

I agree. I see nothing wrong.

I agree I saw nothing wrong with her hair. It was pulled back off of her face as it should have been.

Perhaps because she had no weave to put it in a long flowing ponytail or braids to put in a ponytail :perplexed: like I bet most of the commentors have fake hair, fake ponys and braids 'aint nothing real about their hair.
Seriously, people are discussing her hair. What is the world comming too. This is embarassing. She won a gold medal.

Im speechless.
Who gives a rat's behind about how her hair looks? she is a 16 year old OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST. I mean a young, black female achieves Olympic gold and the the commentary is about her hair? Sad.
This girl is fit and doing her thing and going places, and the people complaining about her are home on their laptops stuffing their faces with cupcakes and probably have a 1 inch ponytail. STFU. Let's see if your perfect relaxer will get you that damned far in life.

I love you so much for this. You summed up exactly how I'm feeling right about now. :lol: People have things backwards. Having great hair will NOT win Olympic Gold. *smh*
Wow. Her edges look exactly like mine. Does that mean folk are talking about me as well???

GO GABBY!!! :)

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Im on the train and two people male and female (white) are sitting behind me and the guy says," I can't believe they are talking about that black girls hair, you know the one that won the gold medal. Sh*t don't make no sense, she's only a kid."
She the second black female to be on the team and she won the gold medal. Why must black woman with low self esteem put her down, when we should be lifting her up. It really makes no sense.
toyas08 said:
Im on the train and two people male and female (white) are sitting behind me and the guy says," I can't believe they are talking about that black girls hair, you know the one that won the gold medal. Sh*t don't make no sense, she's only a kid."
She the second black female to be on the team and she won the gold medal. Why must black woman with low self esteem put her down, when we should be lifting her up. It really makes no sense.

He's right!
what is wrong with America instead of celebrating this child you make sure she gets new insecurities, she is competing for the country the last thing she needs at the moment its people concentrating on her looks..
dont you have national issues to worry yourself about except other people hair, i can tranfer some of my countries issues to you

Sadly, it's not all of America with this particular issue - It's several ignorant Black Americans. The only negative comments I'm hearing are coming from those with skin like Gabby. I'm disgusted by the fact that the ignorance of a few prevent the display of unified pride and support for this young, hard-working lady. I'm certain that 'White America' will not let their insecurities overshadow Michael Phelps' achievement of 20 medals; but instead, they will continue to discuss his accomplishments in a positive light.
Wow! Touch up, really?! :perplexed

These threads are truly disappointing!

At sixteen I was wearing braids 1b/4/33/27, slicking down my edges, thinking I was half way cute.

I could see folks going in if she was an adult but my goodness she's a teen! Gymnast or not, she's still a kid and she's doing kid things! I don't know too many teens 15/16 yr old, who's hair OH MY GUDNESS GURL, ON POINT!! Especiallly not her teammates :perplexed

exactly, they all have their hair in messy buns.... big deal.

and her hair has always been neat :yep:

Oh and at 16 I didnt even know what I wanted out of life, she has achieved the pinacle of her career at 16 ..... SIXTEEN !!!!!

I just hope she doesnt take any of this silly commentary to heart .... Im sure she has much more important things to focus on :yep:
Like my father used to tell me..."you better worry about what's in your head than what's on your head!" Daddy. And furthermore, this girl has far more grander tasks to consider than maintaining a d**n rollerset. She is a world class athlete representing her country in a competition with other world class athletes. So I don't understand what feeble minded person cannot see the bigger picture. An Olympic medal is far more important than a "cute" hair do...#dobetter
I'm so over people pointing out to everyone that folks are talking about her hair.(especially fb) We are just making the comments bigger than they are, giving them breath. I wouldn't have known that people were even talking about her hair in a negative light if folks weren't so outraged and telling everyone else about. Now its headline news??? lol

Every post I see on fb regarding Gabby involves someones "smart" comeback to negative hair comments. Both sides are focusing on the wrong issue :look: I'm just proud of the girl.
Well, don't we also criticize Beyonce? I hear people criticizing her all the time.

Entertainers are paid to entertain. Beyonce gets big bucks to 'sing' and keep her weave and makeup and all of that crap in check. If you're an entertainer, part of your aura is your image and you have to keep it up.

I dont get it, her hair looks fine. Its not ugly, its a ponytail.

She probably got it relaxed before she went to London, and theyve been there for awhile now, so her new growth came in.

I also didnt know she had a weave. Im bad at that stuff. :lol:

People hatin. Shes fit, shes beautiful, shes famous and shes accomplished more in 15-16 years life than most people ever will.