I'm scared . . .


Well-Known Member
I\'m scared . . .

It's time for me to relax my hair. My hair has always been okay, but now since I am taking extra special care of it, of course it's better. I don't have a stylist that I normally go to and I really don't mind doing it myself and I used to (before this board) but now I'm a little afraid that I might do some damage. I know the self-relaxing subject has been brought up before but I guess I just need a little encouragement and words of advise.

Got any?
Re: I\'m scared . . .

You're in the right place.

There are lots of self relaxing threads on the forum, and there are links to other websites with helpful tips. Use the search feature:
Ex. +self +relax
Ex. +"relax my own hair"

Also, maybe there are salons in your area on the salon board that LHCF members trust? Check it out.
Re: I\'m scared . . .

Don't be Skared
. Its a new part of your hair care journey. I call it my journey to freedom. I was a slave to my beautician. I would go EVERY week to get my hair done and my hair broke off horribly because she was overprocessing my hair and blaming my hair for breaking

any way after that experience I decided to take full control of my hair. I have been relaxing my own hair for about one year. It is in better shape than when I went to the beautician weekly. Don't be afraid to take your hair into your own hands. Remember you care one hundred times more about your hair than any stylist; so you already are ahead of the game.

There are some really wonderful perks in doing your own hair: never have to hold of your relaxer because they can't fit you in; never have to wait an hour because they overbooked you; never have to deal with SHS again (although an occasional professional cut is necessary for me); etc...

Don't be afraid this is a new part of your hair care journey. You are removing the shackles!

welcome to freedom!!!