If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it say?

Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

I'm proud of the fact you stop going to those mean spirited stylist that would use harsh chemicals and excessive heat all because you were to lazy to do me. Now that you have your act somewhat together stop acting so dayum trifling; its winter. Moisturize me, and tie me up like you are suppose to, or I'll see to it that you don't reach any other goals.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair would tell me that i am the best hair mommie ever!! Lol!! And then it would start pop lockin' and doing backflips and breakdancin bc it is now strengthened from me frequently co-washing and deep conditioning. LOL!!! And then it would hug me and beg for some water...lol.....*pant, pant,pant....*
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

right now my hair would say that it is mad at me because it is falling out from a texturizer. I wish it could talk so that it could tell me what it wants so that it will stop falling out.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

"Stop touching me! Geez!" :look:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

she doesn't talk she acts.
Yesterday I had her in a ponytail and she was feeling so dry as I browsed

the hair aisle she jumped out and grabbed a bottle of conditioner! :lachen:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

(thumping beat) "We are nappy"
And if we're not happy, you're life is crappy:yep:
Just be cool\
cause you know we rule!

OK, this is the stretchers/transitioners hair battle cry. The new growth is in charge (last relaxer 9/2). I'm jsut trying to keep my life from being crappy:grin:
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

Thanks for all the love and care, see you in 3 days. LOL
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair would say," sometimes you act like there is nothing else in the world but me, then other times you act like I don't even exist, and then you get mad at me when things go wrong.
Re: If your hair talked back to you (*i know you talk to your hair*) what would it sa

My hair would swipe a line from Porgey and Bess: "Don't let him handle me with his bad hands." A warning to stay away from hair stylists--male and female. :nono:They have done by far the most damage to my hair.