I Need Your Help


Active Member
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A quick note from our favorite contestant:

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for voting for me in this year’s Washingtonian Cutest Baby Contest!

I finished in the Top 25 (the #22 spot out of 484 babies) and couldn’t have made it there without all of your sweet votes and shares! Congratulations to the winner!

If you want to continue following my adventures, please visit me at lifewithlawrence.com .

Until next time!


Original Post:

Hi there Ladies!

My sweet little boy Lawrence is currently the only Black baby in the Under 1 year old category that has made it to the Top 15 of this year's Washingtonian Cutest Baby Contest.

In just three short days, he climbed from page 9 all the way up to page 1 with the amazing support of friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers; however, at this point, he needs an extra boost so I thought to turn to this awesome online community of fellow women!

Would you consider voting and sharing his voting link?

With the support of this group's members, he has a really great shot at representing our community as the 2017 winner, which would allow him to be featured in the magazine. If he wins, he will be the first baby of color to win this competition.

Since the contest ends on Monday 9/18 at 11:59 PM, he needs all the additional votes he can get on Sunday 9/17 and Monday 9/18.

Here's Baby Lawrence's voting link:


Thank you for considering this very special request!
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