I made my own drawstring ponytail!!


New Member
Hi everyone!

I’m not exactly a newbie but I haven’t posted much on the board – only once or twice. I mostly just read the posts and gather info and tips. I wasn’t a product junkie before I found the boards, but I’m a card carrying one now!

Anyway I currently wear extensions and have been for over a year now, and I want to do something new. I want to do the drawstring ponytail method because I want a protective and low maintenance style. But when I went shopping for a ponytail I couldn’t find one I liked. I wanted drawstring, 100% human hair and med-long length. I hit just about every shop in the Los Angeles area. The closest one I found was a long human hair, but it wasn’t drawstring – it was a wrap-around (?) style and I didn’t think it would be secure enough on my head. Besides it was kind of expensive and I’m trying to stick to a budget here (which is another reason I’m removing the extensions).

So I came back to the boards and kept reading back through some of the posts I missed and I found the one where someone posted the link to the site that had instructions for making your own ponytail. (Forgive me, but I can’t find the post but thanks to whoever found that site!). I read the instructions, hit the hair store again and bought supplies. The instructions were for a wraparound but I kind of adapted them for a drawstring. Fortunately I already had some wefted hair on hand, so all I had to buy was the netting ($5), needle and thread ($2), and 2 combs ($1). Then I hit our new Wal-Mart and found some black cording in the craft dept for another $2. So for a grand total of $10 I have exactly the ponytail I want! And it didn’t take me very long to make it – about 2 hours total.

I’m not a seamstress by any means so my stitches are very wonkers on the inside, but the drawstring works and it looks great from the outside!

Sorry this post is so long, but I had to share my success with the only people in the world who’d understand why I’m so happy! So now I’m going to spend the evening removing the extensions and giving myself a hair pamper treatment!!
You go girl /images/graemlins/clap.gif.

Maybe you can sell them (and make a big profit) when you get compliments from friends and family on how nice it looks.
Hi Laginappe,

I'm glad you've decided to start posting. /images/graemlins/smile.gifGood luck with the ponytail! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I made my own ponytail as well but this was before I joined the forum. Since my hair is growing I'm able to wear a French Roll with the help of my little combs. I can't remember the name of the combs but someone else here uses them. They hold the hair very tight. Anyway, glad your ponytail worked out.
chuckling at your statement /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
"I had to share my success with the only people in the world who’d understand why I’m so happy!"
I totally understand Half of my family still think that I have lost my da** mind. /images/graemlins/grin.gif. Congratulations.
Okay THIS is the post I needed to see to encourage me on this. I'm so NOT the sewer, so it's encouraging if you made it succesfully.

I'm on my way to Oakland right now (for my Bay Area Ladies, Beauty Warehouse) to see if they have the hair I want in wefts.

I'm gonna see if I can post a pic of the hair.

http://public.fotki.com/Iggles/misc/cute.html link to the photo
Congratulations! You sound like a very creative and innovative person. Like one of the previous posts, you really could sell them and have a great business!