I have breakage, but I still retain length.


Well-Known Member
For some reason, I don't have a problem retaining length. People always comment on how fast my hair grows, or mention that it is longer than it was the last time they saw me, but I ALWAYS have breakage. I can touch my hair, and little broken hairs will be in my hand. My hair doesn't look that thin, but there are short hairs around my hairline and nape.

Should I be too worried about the (what I think is excessive) breakage if my hair doesn't look too bad? (Except for the short hairs on my hairline and nape) Or do I need to try to stop the breakage? Do you think that it may cause a problem later? :confused:
This is a good question, I also have breakage upon close examination of my hair,, i can find so many little ends that have little white "nodes" on them that bend and break but yet my hair keeps growing and getting longer till i get crazy and trim,, I would say its always best to try to fight the breakage so that you can maintain just a healthier head of hair and even healthier ends
I think I remember sistaslick saying something about it being impossible to stop all breakage because hair will break, especially if relaxed. I'll let one of our experts chime in on why this happens.
Me too. :lol:

I mean it is virtually impossible to eliminate every single last instance of breakage there ever will be upon your head. :lol: Hair gets old, it gets worn, environmental threats (UV radiation/chlorine/ect) and other things affect it everyday. I've said it before, our hair isn't a titanium/steel alloy.:lol: Imagine your favorite sweater that you wash and wear all the time, well that's your hair. :lol: Now, your hair shouldn't be popping off all over the place either. :lol: You should be able to touch and comb your hair as normal without strands and strands of breakage coating your back and sink with every passing. A few strands w/ some shed hair mixed in is normal.

The key is to keep the breakage as minimal as possible by balancing your protein and moisture conditioning so that it can withstand unnecessary breakage. If chronic breakage goes on unchecked, you will start to see it over time especially if the breakage is concentrated in one spot. Cumulative breakage shows up via a thinning hemline, thin edges, crown area breakage, no new length, etc.

You have 100-150,000 strands of hair on your head, losing even 5-10 a day to breakage (though ideally, you don't want that:lol: ) won't totally do you in. You just want to minimize the the hairs you do drop for best results- which is why low manipulation regimens work so well. I say if you're gaining healthy length with a nice fullness throughout- then you are doing good! Your breakage level is under control. As for never ever seeing a broken hair ever, you're gonna have to tell us your secret for that one.:lol:
i have breakage too.. and i am retaining a lot of length as well. I am not seeing as much breakage, and my hair is infitinately better than it was when i wasnt caring for my hair...
This thread makes me feel good about my situation because my hair is definately growing, but the breakage is still there. However, I havent been on it when it comes to hair lately. :spank:I have been lazy yall :(
When I have about 1/4 inch of new growth or more (like now), my ends tangle and if I comb like I can for the 1st few weeks after a relaxer, I get breakage as the comb trys to go through my tangled ends. My new growth is always pretty soft and manageable though.

I can help that by holding my hair towards the end and lightly combing from the ends to detangle them as I go up. Then I can use my fingers for more styling. I still get a little breakage even with this method though.

I hope that I am as lucky as all of you as far as retention goes.

But, before my hair got ruined from a weave left in too long, I always was able to retain length even with breakage. The longest I got my APL, but I still retained a nice healthy looking length.
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If you think the breakage is excessive then there may be a problem. In my opinion, if you touch your hair and see broken strands, that's serious. Maybe try to gently nurse it to better health or touch it less?
This message is just what I needed! I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with the techniques or products I'm using... I think the length is comming, but it still looks dry and breaks...
ITA with sistaslick.

I think u can't keep all hairs from breaking.. just ensure u keep the proper moisture/protein balance and that should control most of the breakage.
I attain length.. but still have some breakage mixed in with shedding(which is a natural process). I hate to see breaking hairs but it's so much better than it used to be.. I used to get it all over my shirts(short broken hairs).. but now I only see it on my fingers when my hands are all up in my head:lol: or when I am in the shower. As long as my hair is still growing and thriving.. I don't want to focus on what was lost.. I just need to try to keep the rest of my hair healthy!!;)
Thanks, Sistaslick. You always have answers... you know EVERYTHING! :lol:

Sistaslick said:
Me too. :lol:

I mean it is virtually impossible to eliminate every single last instance of breakage there ever will be upon your head. :lol: Hair gets old, it gets worn, environmental threats (UV radiation/chlorine/ect) and other things affect it everyday. I've said it before, our hair isn't a titanium/steel alloy.:lol: Imagine your favorite sweater that you wash and wear all the time, well that's your hair. :lol: Now, your hair shouldn't be popping off all over the place either. :lol: You should be able to touch and comb your hair as normal without strands and strands of breakage coating your back and sink with every passing. A few strands w/ some shed hair mixed in is normal.

The key is to keep the breakage as minimal as possible by balancing your protein and moisture conditioning so that it can withstand unnecessary breakage. If chronic breakage goes on unchecked, you will start to see it over time especially if the breakage is concentrated in one spot. Cumulative breakage shows up via a thinning hemline, thin edges, crown area breakage, no new length, etc.

You have 100-150,000 strands of hair on your head, losing even 5-10 a day to breakage (though ideally, you don't want that:lol: ) won't totally do you in. You just want to minimize the the hairs you do drop for best results- which is why low manipulation regimens work so well. I say if you're gaining healthy length with a nice fullness throughout- then you are doing good! Your breakage level is under control. As for never ever seeing a broken hair ever, you're gonna have to tell us your secret for that one.:lol:

That's the thing, though. I have hair all over my floor and sink from normal combing with a wide tooth seamless comb. Or maybe it's just me being paranoid... I have been known to do that. :lol: I'll try to take some pics of the hair that I lose when I comb. Maybe you all can tell me if it is normal??
I guess this is possible if your hair is breaking off less that what you are growing. Say you grow 6 inches a year but your hair has broken off 3 inches, your hair is 3 inches longer than last year.
My amount of breakage is definitely decreasing ever since I started my new product regimen and moisturizing daily. I only notice breakage when I run my fingers or my comb through my hair and I'm getting in the habit of bunning my hair or in styles where I don't have to mess with it. I hope in a couple months I'll see some noticeable length.