I have a sensitive scalp. Will Hawaiin Silky be okay?


New Member
I've decided to switch to lye relaxers after only using no-lye relaxers (Gentle Treatment- did a great job!) all my life. I heard that lye is less drying than no-lye. I'm currently almost 11 weeks post and plan to go to January without a relaxer so I'll have a lot of NG and hopefully won't overlap as much. The no-lye used to burn my scalp (though I rarely based and always scratched), so I'm concerned since I've heard lye almost always burns. I've heard HS is pretty mild (I bought the No Base Mild Relaxer), so do you think that'll be okay?
Any and all advice would be helpful!
I wish I could respond to your question. It's been so long since I've used Hawaiian Silky, that I don't recall why I discontinued using it. I also have a sensitive scalp and burn easily.:yep:
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I've decided to switch to lye relaxers after only using no-lye relaxers (Gentle Treatment- did a great job!) all my life. I heard that lye is less drying than no-lye. I'm currently almost 11 weeks post and plan to go to January without a relaxer so I'll have a lot of NG and hopefully won't overlap as much. The no-lye used to burn my scalp (though I rarely based and always scratched), so I'm concerned since I've heard lye almost always burns. I've heard HS is pretty mild (I bought the No Base Mild Relaxer), so do you think that'll be okay?
Any and all advice would be helpful!

That's what I use and my scalp is sensitive as well. Are you looking for something that doesn't burn? It still gives me the tingles especially if I've been scratching, combing or brushing and I don't base well in advance...I base my scalp the day before I'm going to retouch, then I put a little more in areas that have been itchy about an hour beforehand. Works like a charm. You may also wanna add a little olive oil or coconut oil to the relaxer to weaken it a little and allow yourself some extra processing time without fear of burning.

Hope that helps.
I was in the same exact sitution just last month, i went from no-lye (ORS) to Lye (hawiian Silky) i used mild it didnt burn me at all i was underprosses as heck tho i have very coarse and resisitant hair so it was no suprise to me. I loved my texlaxed hair i have more body now and im very happy with it. I say go for the HS. if anything else you need just PM me. :)
That's what I use and my scalp is sensitive as well. Are you looking for something that doesn't burn? It still gives me the tingles especially if I've been scratching, combing or brushing and I don't base well in advance...I base my scalp the day before I'm going to retouch, then I put a little more in areas that have been itchy about an hour beforehand. Works like a charm. You may also wanna add a little olive oil or coconut oil to the relaxer to weaken it a little and allow yourself some extra processing time without fear of burning.

Hope that helps.

Yes, my main goal is to find something that doesn't burn. Also, something that's not so drying. Thanks so much for the advice on the oil! I'd totally forgotten about that! I'm going to make myself base before hand.
Thanks for replying anyway! I've got a sensitive scalp so I'm a little nervous to try a lye relaxer!

You're welcome!:grin: I do understand your concern. I have the same issue with lye relaxers. I don't want my scalp to feel like it's on fire.:burning:
I was in the same exact sitution just last month, i went from no-lye (ORS) to Lye (hawiian Silky) i used mild it didnt burn me at all i was underprosses as heck tho i have very coarse and resisitant hair so it was no suprise to me. I loved my texlaxed hair i have more body now and im very happy with it. I say go for the HS. if anything else you need just PM me. :)

My hair's not resistant, but I won't mind at all if it makes my hair textured. I didn't know until recently that when my mom did my hair using the Gentle Treatment when I was a kid (I don't think she relaxed me and my sister until we were 11 or 12) she texlaxed us. I don't think she realized it either! :grin: I moved away five years ago and couldn't for the life of me figure out why my hair was coming out bone straight (I'm a wash and go type so this was my big "drama" I don't like anything complicated LOL). Thanks to this board I've figured it out. So, I'm praying that HS will give me some texlaxed action without the burn!
Thanks for replying!
You're welcome! I do understand your concern. I have the same issue with lye relaxers. I don't want my scalp to feel like it's on fire.

LOL! I know the feeling!
I think HS is one of the best relaxers to texlax with because it leaves the hair with more of a silky wave pattern and not bone straight (at least for me). I don't care how long I leave it on, I ALWAYS have texture!