I feel like George Constanza!


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies.... all of my Seinfeld fans and natural heads will get what I'm talking about SHRINKAGE!

Although I know that my hair is below my collarbone when stretched- I feel like George Constanza after he got out of the cold pool – significant shrinkage!:(

It is so discouraging not to see any length progress unless I straighten my hair which I don’t want to do until August!

I don’t usually complain, but I need a hair hug!:perplexed
Here's another {{hug}}. I know exactly how you feel. My sister-in-law saw me last week and thought I had cut my hair again because of the shrinkage. I don't plan on getting my hair straightened again until August (1 yr nappiversary). Until then, I'll love my shrinkage, keep it covered in braids or maybe get a weave!

sounds like we have about the same length of hair... although you only had one pic of your hair in its shrunken state and the aerial view didn't allow me to get a good idea of your texture, etc.

but i feel you. i can only tell my hair is getting longer by looking at old pics and noticing the little things (like after i wash and detangle when i shake my hair it hits my shoulders and back while swinging around).

you did a great job on your sew-in! i wish you lived closer to me, you'd have a client! :grin:

Don't worry chica, it happens to everyone. As a matter of fact I'm dealing with it right now! Between shrinkage and the curl set I need to rock b/c of my new growth my almost BSL looks like it barely sholder length (on a good day). Don't worry... the next time you straighten it you will be amazed.:)
{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} I can feel your pain. Mine was so bad yesterday that my curls only reached my shoulders. Rushed to the BSS and then ran home and co-washed.

Now I want to see that episode.
imstush said:
{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} I can feel your pain. Mine was so bad yesterday that my curls only reached my shoulders. Rushed to the BSS and then ran home and co-washed.

Now I want to see that episode.

if you like Seinfeld, it was HILARIOUS! actually it was hilarious to all the people i know who don't like Seinfeld... LOL :lol:

*in my best Elaine imitation* "Shrinkage? What, you mean like laundry?" :lachen:
Girl I'm a Seinfeld fan 'til the day I die. It's going to be alright. Just sit back, close your eyes, deeply inhale and yell.... SERENITY NOW!!!! :rofl:
*BIG HUG* Shrinkage is a b****. Keep your head up though, and don't get discourged. I'm sending you lots of positive hair vibes:D
Thank YOU ladies- I feel :love: the hair love!

I know that I'm doing everything (haircare-wise) right, but I am just so discouraged looking at my plaits this week.

I hope you are feeling better about the shrinkage. I still deal with shrinkage big time but during my first year of having natural hair, I thought my hair would never look as if it had grown. Eventually my hair began to show some growth and then I learned to use products and methods to make it look stretched. Maybe you will find some products that give your hair the weight it needs to hang a little more.

If not, the bright side is that after 4+ years of being natural I could care less about shrinkage. As long as it does not take me 1.5 hours to detangle my hair can do whatever it wants.:grin:
ladylibra said:
if you like Seinfeld, it was HILARIOUS! actually it was hilarious to all the people i know who don't like Seinfeld... LOL :lol:

*in my best Elaine imitation* "Shrinkage? What, you mean like laundry?" :lachen:

**Elaine** "It shrinks?!!! I don't know how you guys walk around with those things." I LOVED that episode!!!
LMAO!! @ the thread title! :lachen:

Anyway, (((HUGS))) :kiss:

OT: I hate Michael Richards! Ever since his racist rant I can't enjoy Seinfeld like I used to (haven't watched it since he opened his trap)... :mad:

CurliDiva said:
Ok ladies.... all of my Seinfeld fans and natural heads will get what I'm talking about SHRINKAGE!

Although I know that my hair is below my collarbone when stretched- I feel like George Constanza after he got out of the cold pool – significant shrinkage!:(

It is so discouraging not to see any length progress unless I straighten my hair which I don’t want to do until August!

I don’t usually complain, but I need a hair hug!:perplexed
bklynwildheart said:
OT: I hate Michael Richards! Ever since his racist rant I can't enjoy Seinfeld like I used to (haven't watched it since he opened his trap)... :mad:

IKWYM... Kramer used to be one of my favorite characters until that happened... :perplexed
I hate shrinkage too, but it can be a good thing. Since my hair is uneven in a lot of areas, the shrinkage hides that. When I get my hair straightened again, I'll not only be able to see more length, but I'll also be able to see how uneven it is.

I hope you find a way to make shrinkage work for you.