I can't freakin' stand rollersetting the sides of my head!!!

Stupid question alert.............

I thought there was only one direction to roll hair.

Wouldn't doing it the other way mean all the hair is flipping upwards instead of curling under itself?

I roll up, but I always do the saran wrap method afterwards, so I just end up with a bend in my hair.

When I do a curly set with smaller rollers I roll upwards, but the curls are so tight you can't tell what direction I rolled in.
Stupid question alert.............

I thought there was only one direction to roll hair.

Wouldn't doing it the other way mean all the hair is flipping upwards instead of curling under itself?

Not a stupid question. Depending on what you'd like your finished look to be, you have the option of rolling up or down. It does not matter which direction once you've hit a certain length, because your hair will fall into spirals anyway. They roll upward because it makes room for maximum amount of rollers = less drying time. It's us women that are above SL that need to decide what kind of look we'd like first before we just go at it. I roll upward because I keep my spirals (like in my avatar).