Huetiful Steamer - 6 Months In Review


Well-Known Member
Taken from Confessions of a Blog Vixen: PRODUCT REVIEW: Huetiful Steamer

I've had my Huetiful Steamer for a full 6 months. I purchased my unit July 2010. I waited this long before writing a review because I wanted to be as thorough as possible, especially when considering its price tag.

Price - $114 (w/ facial attachment)

Where to Buy -

Product Claims-

  • Restores moisture to your dry hair 5x better than deep conditioners or hair treatments alone
  • Opens up your hair cuticle to allow your conditioners and hair treatments to work more effectively
  • Bathes your hair follicle with warm, ionized mist to replenish moisture lost from chemical or heat treatments
  • Reduces future breakage and split ends caused by dry hair
  • In colder months, keeps weather-dried hair moisturized and strong
  • One year replacement warranty

The Mechanics: The device came well packaged. Putting the device together was slightly confusing as the pictured instructions were not as straight forward as I'd hoped. After adding water, the heating element heated up very quickly and within 4 minutes, there was full on steam piping from the steamer.​

Now, actually sitting under the steamer is a little work. The dome is very shallow. The top of my head received the most steam while the back of my head shivered in cold steamlessness. To ensure all parts of my hair were equally steamed, I had to turn around and straddle my chair.

Months 1-3: When I first received the steamer, I steamed every week, once a week. The very first time I steamed, there was a noticeable difference in my hair. I remember raving to my friend about how thick my strands felt and how my hair appeared darker in color. Amazing outcomes! Those results lasted the first 2 weeks of steaming. Since then, I've been trying to duplicate those results every time I steamed. After so many tries, I decided the seemingly thicker and darker hair was not going to reappear. I was a little disappointed. I figured my hair acclimated to using the steamer.

I wanted to put the steamer to the ULTIMATE TEST. Huetiful claims to work 5x better than deep conditioning alone. After an e-mail discussion with the owner of the company here in Atlanta, he himself confirmed this. He independently watched my Flat Ironing Tutorial and noticed that I slept with a moisturizing deep conditioner prior to flat ironing my hair. He told me that the Huetiful steamer will eliminate that extra step of sleeping with the conditioner overnight.. I decided to test the claim.

Instead of sleeping with my conditioner, I steamed for 40 minutes with the conditioner I typically use when in search of loads of moisture, Silk Elements Megasilk Moisturizing Treatment The steamer is programmed to shut off when the water reservoir levels become low; that usually occurs after 20 minutes. I refilled my reservoir once after the first shut off for a total of 40 minutes of steaming. I proceeded to straighten my hair in my typical manner.

I was not impressed. My hair required 3-4 passes and was very puffy after. This result negates the claim of conditioning 5x better than conditioner alone. If you follow this blog, you probably have read My Journey to Perfectly Flat Ironed Natural Hair and know that MOISTURE is the big difference in having silky, easily straightened hair or puffy, heat damaged-prone hair.

Months 4-6: After realizing the claim of 5x the moisture was not evident, I continued to try. I attempted flat ironing again. This time, not only did I spend 40 minutes under the steamer, but I also left the conditioner in for an additional 2 hours after steaming hoping that the extra time may somehow work magic. #FAIL. The results were the same as when I steamed for 40 minutes. I gave up.

By pure coincidence I created a concoction of Curls Ecstacy and added Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil to the mix and sat under the steamer. I'd use the Curls Ecstacy twice before (once by itself w/steam, the second time mixed with castor oil w/o steam), but this time it was different. My hair felt like butter. I tried this again using a different conditioner but still adding the oils. BUTTER again!

I figured it out. Huetiful works best when there are oils involved.

After figuring out this little piece of info, I took a look at the Intense Hydrating Masque that was being marketed to be sold as a system with the Huetiful steamer. One of the first 3 ingredients in their new conditioner is not water, but Moringa OIL. An OIL! Yes OIL! Knowing that water moisturizes and oil seals, make of this tidbit of information what you wish.

Bottom Line: For noticeable results, the Huetiful steamer works best when oils are added. This may be true with the use of any steamer, but I question whether or not the felt effects after steaming with an oil is false. I question whether or not that BUTTER feeling is a a result of true moisture or just oiled hair. The point is, I used moisture/water-based conditioners consistently to steam and he results were nothing to write home about. Why? Shouldn't this device increase the potency of conditioners I use now in its raw form without the addition of anything?

Some may ask, "If you were successful after steaming with oil, why don't you steam with oil before straightening?" The reason I would avoid steaming in that manner is because I am not sure whether or not the 'successful' steam is as a result of oiled hair masking the fact that it may not be properly moisturized. Also, when straightening, I try to avoid the use of too many products. Adding oils will lead to a straightening job that is weighted down and not-so-silky.

After many trials with the Huetiful steamer I decided to go back to deep conditioning overnight prior to straightening (as well as regularly). I must say, no conditioning compares to overnight deep conditioning...not even steaming.

For those of you with steamers, have you experimented with oils? Have you noticed a difference?

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I just got my steamer a month ago and didn't notice a big difference when I DC with or without it. I'm going to try your suggestions and use oils with it and see if there's a difference. I'm actually using Patchouli85's deep moisture conditioner routine. My mix has Trader Joe's Nourish conditioner, babassu oil, olive oil and honey.
Thanks for the thorough review! Steaming didn't benefit me either way, so I sold mine. I didn't try it with oils because I hardly use oils in the first place.
I DEFINITELY noticed a difference when steaming with oils. I put coconut oil on the previously relaxed hair each time before I relax and the steaming session after a relaxer makes my hair feel like it weighs 5 pounds with swang out of this world!!

I thought it was the steamer itself that made it feel so weighted and swangy but the next week I DC'd without the oils and it was just regular. So I realized it was the oil and I put a little oil on the next time I steamed and got the same EXTREMELY moisturized and swangy hair. For some reason I forgot about adding the oils since then but I may start doing that again. I think I was afraid of what the reviewer mentioned about the oil masking moisture.
Thanks for posting this OP... I purchased one due to the amazing claims on this board, im glad you offered your independent opinion.

still does not negate the fact that Huetiful markets the steamer with an oil-based conditioner

This is very interesting to me that they would market the steamer this way. According to all the info that I have read, when steaming one should use a water based condish, but as we all know, everyone's hair needs differ.

I have used water based DC, without oils, since I have had the steamer and the results are ok. I just like how it makes me feel ( ie. relaxed, stress reliever ) when I am under it, but I really didn't see a drastic improvement in my hair overall. My hair does have less shrinkage for several days after a steam tx though.

Now with that being said, I straightened my hair last weekend. The first time, I did overnight protein dc, and the job came out craptastic.

The second time, I used my steamer ( bought from salons r us ) mixed moisturizing condish ( 8 oz ) with 1 oz oil, .5 oz aloe juice and 5 drops each of saa and hq ( silk amino acids and honeyquat)

I too have the issue of the kitchen not getting as much love as the top of my hair when in the steamer, so I have to turn around as well.

Anyway, in the shower I IMMEDIATELY noticed a difference. As I was smoothing my hair down and rinsing the condish out, my hair felt extremely silky. It continued to feel that way even as it air dried.

Consequently, when I pressed, my hair was silky feeling and looking.... For me, with the steamer, I am still trying to figure out the right moisturizing DC and this seems to be it for me and my hair.
I think it depends on your hair. For instance, my hair hates oils (except or black castor oil). Putting oils in my hair actually makes it drier that the usual. I've been using the Huetiful hairsteamer for more than 6 months and I'm still really satisfied with the results. You probably need something more moisturising and thicker when you steam because I noticed that when steaming, your hair absorbs more conditionner which makes your hair feel dry on the outside of your hair.

So what I do is that once I let my hair cool off a bit from the steaming session, I put more conditionner in my hair and leave it in for an extra 5 minutes so that it can coat the outer layer of my hair. After that, I rince and continue with my usual routine
I think it depends on your hair. For instance, my hair hates oils (except or black castor oil). Putting oils in my hair actually makes it drier that the usual. I've been using the Huetiful hairsteamer for more than 6 months and I'm still really satisfied with the results. You probably need something more moisturising and thicker when you steam because I noticed that when steaming, your hair absorbs more conditionner which makes your hair feel dry on the outside of your hair.

So what I do is that once I let my hair cool off a bit from the steaming session, I put more conditionner in my hair and leave it in for an extra 5 minutes so that it can coat the outer layer of my hair. After that, I rince and continue with my usual routine

My conditioners are pretty thick and I lay it on heavily. If you check out my flat ironing tutorial, the way I apply my conditioner there is the same way I do it every time.

More moisturizing? The same conditioners give me a great deal of moisture when I sleep with them. Why don't I see that same result when I use the steamer?....the device that is supposed to enhance the product resulting in 5x the moisture.
I have another type of steamer. I noticed that it works best when I reseal the cuticle after a DC since the steam lifts the cuticle so effectively. Sometimes I add oils to my DC mixture but usually I just use them as is. Once I rinse my hair I use Roux PC or diluted aloe vera juice and the acidity helps to lay the cuticle flat and seal in the moisture.
I love my steamer; I also steam with SE Megasilk but also sit with it on for an additional 30 minutes. I love it and notice when I don't use my steamer.

I don't use oils because my hair would get weighed down too much.

Great review.
I have a different steamer, but I do notice that I get different results depending on the DC I use. If I use AOHR my hair feels like butter. If I add coconut oil to one of my DC's and then steam, again my hair feels wonderful. I've never steamed with just regular conditioner. I've only steamed once with an oil (Hairveda's Vatika Frosting) and my hair came out too oily.

One noticeable difference with the steamer is the amount of shed hairs I see on the comb. It's almost nonexistent. My hair comes out beautiful if I steam consistently.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I DEFINITELY noticed a difference when steaming with oils. I put coconut oil on the previously relaxed hair each time before I relax and the steaming session after a relaxer makes my hair feel like it weighs 5 pounds with swang out of this world!!

I thought it was the steamer itself that made it feel so weighted and swangy but the next week I DC'd without the oils and it was just regular. So I realized it was the oil and I put a little oil on the next time I steamed and got the same EXTREMELY moisturized and swangy hair. For some reason I forgot about adding the oils since then but I may start doing that again. I think I was afraid of what the reviewer mentioned about the oil masking moisture.


Did you use the Huetiful steamer?

I think heutiful was reading this thread and you gave them their next marketing idea, but they are going to allow stylists to have the monopoly on it.

It's called the nano smoothing system. No ingredients listed just yet...if ever.

ajargon02 said:
This is very interesting to me that they would market the steamer this way. According to all the info that I have read, when steaming one should use a water based condish, but as we all know, everyone's hair needs differ.

I have used water based DC, without oils, since I have had the steamer and the results are ok. I just like how it makes me feel ( ie. relaxed, stress reliever ) when I am under it, but I really didn't see a drastic improvement in my hair overall. My hair does have less shrinkage for several days after a steam tx though.

Now with that being said, I straightened my hair last weekend. The first time, I did overnight protein dc, and the job came out craptastic.

The second time, I used my steamer ( bought from salons r us ) mixed moisturizing condish ( 8 oz ) with 1 oz oil, .5 oz aloe juice and 5 drops each of saa and hq ( silk amino acids and honeyquat)

I too have the issue of the kitchen not getting as much love as the top of my hair when in the steamer, so I have to turn around as well.

Anyway, in the shower I IMMEDIATELY noticed a difference. As I was smoothing my hair down and rinsing the condish out, my hair felt extremely silky. It continued to feel that way even as it air dried.

Consequently, when I pressed, my hair was silky feeling and looking.... For me, with the steamer, I am still trying to figure out the right moisturizing DC and this seems to be it for me and my hair.
I think heutiful was reading this thread and you gave them their next marketing idea, but they are going to allow stylists to have the monopoly on it.

It's called the nano smoothing system. No ingredients listed just yet...if ever.

The youtube person did a "review" on it. Not sure if her stylist is just not good, but I am not impressed by her results, I can achieve that for free at my home. When I get my hair straightened my hair is silky like for real without all the bells and whistles. One of her commenters suggested that she actually leave the treatment in for longer than a few days.
The youtube person did a "review" on it. Not sure if her stylist is just not good, but I am not impressed by her results, I can achieve that for free at my home. When I get my hair straightened my hair is silky like for real without all the bells and whistles. One of her commenters suggested that she actually leave the treatment in for longer than a few days.

Definitely saw that video. I'm going to reserve my thoughts until a bit more information is revealed. But I can already see it is marketing to get butts in the seats of stylists. I think many knowledgeable and educated naturals will see through this.

Or I could be wrong #kanyeshrug
westNDNbeauty I see what you see as well. They are not the only ones either:sad: I have been doing my own research and the real key is saa and moisture. You don't need a stylist for that. Im actually reading some papers on saa now. Maybe we can come up with our own version of it on the LHCF...

ajargon02 honeyquat? How do you use it?
Do you ladies think it's better to used honey squat then honey? Because of it's molecular weight?
vtoodler Nope, I haven't replaced it yet. Mainly because it broke just as the weather started getting warm and in the warmer months I didn't use it as much anyway.

Also, I am a little leery of buying the same one since it didn't last that long.

I definitely saw benefits with steaming. My hair would feel heavier with the conditioner in it and that meant more swang. I'm probably going to order another one soon though but I'll need to do more research first on which one to get that's not too expensive.