How to comb while stretching . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

I know that combing is a no-no. However, I find it impossible to roll my hair without using a comb. Last night while trying to roll, I had some difficulties working the comb through the new growth . . . my hair was starting to break so I eventually just combed the ends . . . is this the best way to handle combing when you have a bunch of new growth?
Hey Ladies

I know that combing is a no-no. However, I find it impossible to roll my hair without using a comb. Last night while trying to roll, I had some difficulties working the comb through the new growth . . . my hair was starting to break so I eventually just combed the ends . . . is this the best way to handle combing when you have a bunch of new growth?

you gotta do it on wet/damp hair once u get to like 4-6 weeks (depending on how much NG u have). Its easier b/c you can apply leave ins w/o fear of reversion.

Also, the hair is more elastic when wet so you can pull the new growth better. After its touchy!:nono:
to roller set I used to comb in 1 inch sections combing out ech ssection at a time slowly. Please be gentle with your hair. do you use a leave in with slip like lacio lacio or Salerm?
you gotta do it on wet/damp hair once u get to like 4-6 weeks (depending on how much NG u have). Its easier b/c you can apply leave ins w/o fear of reversion.

Also, the hair is more elastic when wet so you can pull the new growth better. After its touchy!:nono:

ITA, also how often do you condition. I find that condition washing 2x or more a week has softened my hair alot and I get almost no breakage.
Thanks for your responses ladies. A few replies -

Closer1 - No, I don't use either of those products. I generally use Biolage Matrix Daily Leave-In (but I don't use it daily - only after washing and before working out). If I were to use something like Lacio Lacio, would it be something to put on my hair daily?

EHP - Lately I've only been conditioning about 2x per week (and that is usually an overnight dc) . . . not this past week, though, because I'm getting relaxed on Friday . . . .
Long post warning! :D

I don’t have a problem combing my hair deep into a stretch. Just take it slow, use a wide tooth comb, and do one section at a time.

However, to prevent tangles from forming here what I do:
  • I detangle my hair as best as I can while it's dry.
  • I then section my hair and braid each section (I prefer somewhat smaller braids to 4 to 6 larger ones).
  • Then I shampoo and deep condition with a slippery shampoo and conditioner (CON detangling shampoo with the green label and ORS Replenishing pack works wonders.)
  • While rinsing my hair, usually I can undo my braids fairly quickly by sliding my fingers through them from the bottom up. This is best done in the shower, but sometimes I will rinse my hair in the kitchen sink.
  • I never rinse the conditioner completely out of my hair (it should still feel slippery.) But, if I do, I just add a good instant conditioner with slip (I really like Aussie 3-Minute Miracle and L'Oreal Vive conditioner.)
Then, I prepare my hair for a roller set--the key to reduing combing issues! :) :
  • While my hair is still very wet, I apply a nice, slippery leave-in moisturizer (there's tons of good brands out there) and immediately put a plastic cap over my head to keep the moisture in.
  • Section by section, I detangle as necessary with a wide-tooth comb, keeping my hair wet with diluted Lottabody. I use Lottabody because it really strengthens hair and helps to detangle. I gently work my way to a finer-tooth comb.
  • Now, as much manipulation as wet setting requires, I have NEVER shed more than 3, maybe 4, strands of hair after curling my entire head—and that's using a fine-tooth rattail comb to smooth my hair onto a roller. It's the oddest thing! This was even when I did a 6-month stretch.
Now, a good wet set truly helps prevent new tangles from forming because it smoothes and stretches the hair beautifully, and keeps it that way until your next wash.

Also, to prevent tangling, try using a little bit of castor oil on your new growth. This helps tremendously. Alternatively, because I really don’t wear my hair out much, I can usually get away with just S-Curl to keep my hair moisturized and tangle-free.

With these methods, I can comb my hair everyday without much worry. Now, if I am very, very deep into a stretch, I just use hairpieces so I don’t have to comb at all, but still look great.

I hope at least some of this is helpful! :)
I don't think combing is a no-no as long as you don't do it too often. Oil rinsing helps me keep tangles to a minimum while stretching or otherwise. :yep:
I feel you on this one. I was getting so tired of trying to squeeze enough water out of my hair so the leave in would be able to absorb only to then end up stuck with hard to comb roots. What finally worked was I prepoo'd with the Burt's Bees prepoo, then I poo'd and deep conditioned with the time renewal pantene mask and rinsed sloppily. My hair detangled like that *snap* I didn't apply anything else because I had the slip I wanted plus I didn't have rapidly drying hair.
I stretch for 4 months at a time and I don't comb my hair until wash day and after 10 weeks of stretching. I would roll w/out combing and only finger comb after removing the rollers, then on wash day I gently comb out using Scurl to soften up my roots.
Here are my stats:

Stretching for 20 weeks
Relaxed after 40 week stretch: 8/4/07
Corrective realxer done 9/15- 7 weeks post
Now I am at 4 weeks post and have more new growth because I have been CW every other day and deep condition overnight with my Dominican conditioners and they leave my hair with slip so I can comb my hair once a week and bun and go, try deep conditioning and to get that slip
Here are my stats:

Stretching for 20 weeks
Relaxed after 40 week stretch: 8/4/07
Corrective realxer done 9/15- 7 weeks post
Now I am at 4 weeks post and have more new growth because I have been CW every other day and deep condition overnight with my Dominican conditioners and they leave my hair with slip so I can comb my hair once a week and bun and go, try deep conditioning and to get that slip

40 weeks?!?!?! Whoa! *bowing down* Were you pg while stretching? How was managing your hair during that period of time?