How often do you shampoo?

I shampoo twice a week, my scalp gets too itchy to do it any less. For a while I tried cowashing but my scalp still itched. I use sulfate-free shampoo.
Never (at least this year). Co-cleanse 1-2x a week, cleanse with clay/mudwash/ayurvedic powders 2-3x a month.
1x weekly -- I use both sulfate and sulfate free. Just depends on what I'm feeling at that moment.
Only when Neutralizing during the relaxer process.

I usually just cowash 2x per week.

If I need a deeper cleanse, or to remove product, I'll use a Cleansing Conditioner.
Once a week and after Henna treatments. I usually use sulfate free products. No loyalty to any particular brand. I add honey and EVOO to the shampoo prior to washing to retain more moisture.
I shampoo every 2 - 3 weeks now with Giovanni's Tea Tree Triple Treat. I used to shampoo 2x a month with a poo bar from Chagrin Valley. Both are sulfate free.
The amount I shampoo is decreasing lately. Just a month or two ago it was weekly, then every two weeks, and now I'm thinking about going to every three weeks. I have never even seen what build up is like on my hair and really I only shampoo so I can do my treatments (henna and DC) on clean hair not because I thought my hair was dirty. I'm cowashing at least 3 times a week so I'll see how this goes.

ETA I shampoo with sulfate free shampoo
I don't shampoo. I found that my hair is easily dried out by shampoo so I stopped using it altogether about five years ago.

Instead, I wash with water and Queen Helene brand clay masque. I find that it melts through my tangles and leaves my hair and scalp feeling clean, but not stripped.

I don't use many other products on my hair so I don't have any build up issues.
Every 2 weeks, with alternating between sulphate ORS creamy aloe and non sulphate Elasta Qp cream conditioning shampoo.
I shampoo an average of twice a month.

I use a clarifying shampoo if I'm doing an henna treatment and I use a regular shampoo if I feel my hair needs it. These days both are sulfate free. I cowash and use cleansing conditioners between shampoos.

Giovanni 50:50 Shampoo (to clarify)
Trader Joe's Tree Tea Tingle Shampoo
Shea Moisture Deep Cleansing Shampoo (jury still out on this one)

Cleansing Conditioners
L'Oreal EverCreme Sulfate-Free Cleansing Conditioner
Curl Junkie Daily Fix

I change my mind. :D I've been shampooing about 1-2x a week now due to buildup on my scalp lately. I use a cleansing conditioner the rest of the time.
I shampoo weekly without fail with a sulphate free poo. Lately I've been using Paul Mitchell awapuhi wild ginger moisturizing Lather Shampoo exclusively and I LOVE IT!!
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2-4 times a month, but I mostly co wash (2 times a week). All shampoos dry my hair out if I use it more than once a week.
I shampoo once every 1 to 2 weeks...usually weekly.

I alternate between sulfates and sulfate-free. Right now i'm using the Tresemme Naturals low poo (lower sulfates) and i like it alot. I'm one of those ppl who like their hair to almost squeak after shampooing...i've always been like i do use sulfates. Sulfate-free is okay...but the ones i've used don't leave me feeling clean enough...i'll still find buildup after using them.

ETA: I co-wash pretty much daily tho.
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Water rinse almost daily.
Cleanse weekly with neem/shikakai powders in conditioner.
Clarify once every other month (or if I'm getting ready to use heat or coming out of extensions) with Suave Daily Clarifying poo.
Possibly once every two months...or more. My hair hates shampoo, so now I only use co-cleansers, and follow the CG routine....except for staying away from cones. I love cones!!
I stopped using sulfate and sulfate free shampoos because I noticed split ends with both. Now I use a cleansing conditioner weekly and only use sulfates once a month to clarify....although, I'm considering a clarifying conditioner to replace the sulfates altogether