How Often do you Put Water on your Natural Curls?


New Member
I know natural curls have a tendency to dry out fast. I include water in my hair almost everyday. On days when I am lazy, I will skip a day or two. I find water to be my best friend when it comes to curls. How often do you put water=moisture in your hair to keep your curls looking good? Also, do you find water to be important in your regime, or do lots of products outweigh it?

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Every single day. I don't have to drench it but I have to spray it or run my hands under water and then rake it through my hair to get some definition back.
I'm starting to think water isn't my hair's friend. Any contact with water on the length and it will tangle soooo bad. It's fine if I'm in the shower and it's constantly wet but as soon as it begins to dry, it tangles and mats up within minutes.
Instead of water lately I've been using vinegar every 2 days or so instead of water. My scalp seems to benefit greatly from it as well as my hair. A vinegar rinse and an oil (ceramide) on top of that keeps my hair feeling moisturized surprisingly. I will spray my herbal mix or coffee on my length sometimes though, both of which contain water.. So that's something...:look: lol
If I have braids though, water does just fine of course and I'll use it just as often as I use vinegar now.
I'm starting to think water isn't my hair's friend. Any contact with water on the length and it will tangle soooo bad. It's fine if I'm in the shower and it's constantly wet but as soon as it begins to dry, it tangles and mats up within minutes.
Instead of water lately I've been using vinegar every 2 days or so instead of water. My scalp seems to benefit greatly from it as well as my hair. A vinegar rinse and an oil (ceramide) on top of that keeps my hair feeling moisturized surprisingly. I will spray my herbal mix or coffee on my length sometimes though, both of which contain water.. So that's something...:look: lol
If I have braids though, water does just fine of course and I'll use it just as often as I use vinegar now.
Yes, the vinegar is diluted with the water, so you are still putting moisture back into your hair. Peace
I stopped because it made my curls shrink and tangle. It also made the curls on the top of my head limp and crunchy from the reactivated gel. I am still trying to find a good spray moisturizer that I can use that won't shrink my roots and make my hair even drier.
I wash 1x a week, but I don't use a shower cap when taking a shower so it gets sprayed with water daily.