How many of you attend church?

Do You Attend Church regularly?

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I have been affiliated with many Christian denominations throughout my life, from being baptized as a Catholic as a baby to joining an AME chuch in my mid-teens to stopping church altogether and various points in between all of that when I studied the Bahai faith, Nation of Islam and more.

Recently, I have started feeling like I want to go to church again. I consider myself a non-denominational, historically accurate (no white Jesus or Moses, thank you) Christian.

How did you find your church? Why is it important to you to attend church? How frequently do you go?
my grandmother totally turned me off form going to church at a young age /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif If I do go, I cant stay anymore than an hour. 1.5 hours is stretching it.
Dammit ... what happened to my poll!?

Anyway, I don't think I could be the type to go to Sunday school then service then the potluck afterwards, plus Bible study on Wednesday, choir rehearsal on Friday and the fish fry on Saturday. But I would like to find a group of like-minded individuals from whom I could learn, grow and share information.
I was raised pretty strict Catholic. As soon as I was able to choose for myself, I stopped going to church. I have been in a church probably 4 or 5 times in the past 10-12 years. Mostly for funerals.
I attended church all the time when I was younger, but I as I became older I was put off by the "Christian" people I was around that were extreme hypocrites. I attend church very rarely now, plus I work on Sundays.
I used to go every Sunday, but haven't found a new church home. I really miss going to church, but I have to admit that I don't like the all day services. I like going, getting the Word and getting on with my day.

What do you mean by the last question? I just need clarification so when I do the poll I answer correctly
I don't really go to church. My ma and my bf think I'm a heathen for not going but I don't believe church can save anybody. I am not against going to church but it is really hard find a church I am comfortable at and actually look forward to going to.
By the last question, I mean, "Do people who go to church automatically seem to exhibit a stronger sense of their spiritual beliefs?"
I go but I never want to. I haven't found one that meets my needs. Every church I go to, they usually say something that really turns me off. I don't like the belittling of other religions or too much political involvement (the church I attend now had Sean Hannity and Oliver North visit one evening /images/graemlins/barf.gif ). I call myself a Christian but I'm not so sure anymore. I love everyone no matter if they love Jesus, Allah, or Abraham so.../images/graemlins/confused.gif
I use to feel like you, that I can't go to church so much, but now I feel empty when I miss a Sunday and I am doing my best to go to Wednesday night bible study plus I belong to a few auxillaries.

You have to find a church that you are comforable with, not one that will just tell you want you want to hear, but a strong bible teaching church that your inner soul will respond to. I also was never one to go to second service but now that I married a Revarend and he travels with other ministers I find myself going to many second services.
I started going back to church in April. I attend a non-denominational Christian church. My neighbors invited me to go to one of the services. I really enjoy the atmosphere and the people who go there are amiable and genuine. I go to Sunday services and Ohana group (bible study) on Wednesday nights. They also have several classes and seminars throughout the year. If they interest me, I go to them too. I also volunteer whenever I have time.
i go to church just about if not every sunda. i hate missing church. i've been brought up on chuch and my family is a very spiritial one. my uncle doesn't go to church all taht often, btu i don't think church itself make your faith stronger at all. okay i don't even know what i answered lol, but when i cmoe back i'll reread the questions.
Yep, generally every Sunday, and I feel a void when I can't be there. Usually one other day a week too for choir rehearsal and/or Bible study. Finding my church family in this area has really made me feel more complete, stable, and encouraged to continue developing my relationship with Christ. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
options said:
By the last question, I mean, "Do people who go to church automatically seem to exhibit a stronger sense of their spiritual beliefs?"

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Not necessarily. Religiously going to church doesn't mean that you have a personal relationship with God, but it does make it easier to develop one IMO /images/graemlins/smile.gif There are many devilish people that go every Sunday, and many truly spiritual that may only go on holidays. I guess it just depends on the person.
miss_brown said:
options said:
By the last question, I mean, "Do people who go to church automatically seem to exhibit a stronger sense of their spiritual beliefs?"

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There are many devilish people that go every Sunday, and many truly spiritual that may only go on holidays.

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Amen to that, sister! I've met plenty of devils in church. In contrast, some of the most loving people I've come across don't go to church, and in fact, are not very religious at all...
I like reading the Bible and Christian living books. I watch a lot of religious programming. But I don't like going to church. /images/graemlins/frown.gif The majority of the people I meet/see at church aren't very nice people. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif And most church folk's concept of a woman's "place" offends me. It's discouraging so I don't go often. Maybe twice a month. I usually attend Baptist church, but I'm not a Baptist. Baptists have the best music and the most "lively" services. /images/graemlins/cool.gif

/images/graemlins/band2.gif "Dooooooo not pass meeeeee by..."
miss_brown said:
options said:
By the last question, I mean, "Do people who go to church automatically seem to exhibit a stronger sense of their spiritual beliefs?"

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Not necessarily. Religiously going to church doesn't mean that you have a personal relationship with God, but it does make it easier to develop one IMO /images/graemlins/smile.gif There are many devilish people that go every Sunday, and many truly spiritual that may only go on holidays. I guess it just depends on the person.

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I go to church once a week and bible study every week. When I was younger, didn't like going to church at all. But NOW? I LOOOVVVEEE going to church and look forward to it EVERY Sunday. If any of yall are in Nashville, HOLLA! My church is the bomb.
I'm not for certain but i think the last time i was inside of a church was in 1998, but i'm not completely sure. Anyway, no i dont attend.
Are you a Christian?

What is your denomination?
I attend a Non-denominational church. I grew up in a Baptist church.

How frequently do you attend?

Does attending chuch reflect a stronger belief? [y]?
Yes & No...God commands us to assemble yourselves in the house of the Lord but attending church doesn't mean I'm any better than anyone that doesnt. It's all about your relationship with God.
Im so on the level of JuJuBoo.

I was raised GOGIC. When I was little it felt like church would never end.

At 20, my home church is pentecostal, however I don't consider myself a pentecostal or any denomination, because I did not read about that in the bible. Im a Christian with no additives.

As Poohbear said that God commands us to assemble ourselves in the house of the Lord and for us to edify the church (we are the church. Its hard to follow these commandments if you don't fellowship. God also said obedience is better than sacrifice, if one isn't obedient to God (doesn't follow his commands. I don't believe that shows a strong belief in God.

But it was also said people who attend church every sunday, can be so evil, but usually these people aren't obedient to God in other ways and they don't study their word either.

I attend church weekly, bible study on mondays, teach bible study on thursday(or some thursdays I just organize a get togethe of christians on campus to study and chat), and I sing in an acapella gospel group. ALL GLORY TO THE LORD.

Find churches that connect with you, thats why there are so many, God knows we aren't a like you need to find the church that fits your needs. (I've been living in LA for 3 years and I still haven't found a home church). But, I attend my friends church on the regular basis.

I don't look down on others who don't follow my groove because we are all different. In my church we have this saying called, "There Go I". If it hadn't been for the lord "There Go I", so don't ever look down on anyone.

I am a Christian, and do enjoy going to church. Unfortunately, I do not get the chance to go as often as I'd like due to illness.
TrustMeLove said:
As Poohbear said that God commands us to assemble ourselves in the house of the Lord and for us to edify the church (we are the church. Its hard to follow these commandments if you don't fellowship. God also said obedience is better than sacrifice, if one isn't obedient to God (doesn't follow his commands. I don't believe that shows a strong belief in God.

But it was also said people who attend church every sunday, can be so evil, but usually these people aren't obedient to God in other ways and they don't study their word either.

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This is so true.
When I attended the baptist church (which was before I went to college), I used to attend Bible study on Wednesday nights and attend some choir practices on Thursday, and some other days. And I attended church every Sunday. My dad was a deacon and minister and my mom sung in the choir and I ushered on youth sundays. The church was a pretty big church with a lot of members. We left that church because of the pastor who slept with several women in the church...not a good example. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Now we have been attending this non-denominational church. The church is about 3 years old and has about 100 members. Its somewhat based on Southern Baptist theology though. I teach sunday school there to 5-8 year olds which is a blessing. I used to feel the spirit there and Im a person that loves going to church. Now our pastor decided he didnt want to pastor anymore and gave it over to my dad. Now, only about 25-30 members attend the church and my dad is being a control freak. Some sundays, there are no children to teach. How my dad is taking control and the overall reputations of churchs today is making me not like going to church anymore. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

I know that no church is perfect but What should I do guys? I used to pray and read the Bible daily and now I dont. I want to get back in touch with my Lord. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

You are old enough to be able to ask God for guidance and find a church home that 1) you are comformable in 2) that God wants you in. It is not written anywhere that you have to go to the same church as your parents. Girl just continue to listen for the voice of God.
Yes, I attend church. I am Catholic but I am not confined to Roman Catholic churches. I go where I feel the message. I don't go as often as I would like, though but I know like everything else in my life it's a matter of effort. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Are you a Christian?

What is your denomination?
Catholic. As a child, I was Catholic and attended Catholic school, but once I got older and began to move around, I also attended Episcopalian and then, later Baptist churches, but as of late, I've been going back to Catholic church, and do not think I will stop again. I am most comfortable there.

How frequently do you attend?
3-4 times a month

Does attending chuch reflect a stronger belief?
Not necessarily. I think some people (like myself) need to attend church or they will become sidetracked. Then, of course, there are just those who may not need it, but prefer it. However, I think many people do not have a need for fellowship. I don't think either group necessarily has a stronger just comes down to the individual.