How long does your hair stay detangled?


Well-Known Member
How long does your hair stay detangled when in both protective styles or wash-n-go's?

Mine doesn't. It tangled right away! And I don't know why! :(

I co-wash, try to keep it moisturized....I'm frustrated. I think last years color jobs REALLY weakened my hair.

So I'm curious - how long does YOUR hair stay detangled? And do you do anything I prevent it from tangling up sooner??
Stay detangled? 'Bout 5 seconds after the comb passes thru it.

I try to keep my ends trimmed for ease of detangling...even if it doesn't stay that way :lol:. I'm just really trying to avoid matting from shed hair and making it "detangled-enough" to style at this point. I'm mbl natural.
Seconds like Sosa said. As soon as I'm done detangling a section I clip it up to keep it from coiling back up and having to detangle all over again. I can't wear my hair just out and free. It would be single strand knot city. I wear twists outs, pinned up twists or occasionally a fake marley bun on old twisted out hair.
Whew. So glad to hear I'm not alone!! If I TOUCH my hair I shed!! I'm sick if setback city. I have no idea what to do. In considering stretched styles (curlformers?) at this point instead of twist-out or buns. Argh!!! I HAVE to get to healthy waist length this year!!!
A good 3 seconds tops. Just long enough for the comb or my fingers to leave it alone and my strands are back to cuddling like its their job. Ive found that the smaller my sections are for twistouts, the more prone I am to tangles and snarls near the end if the twist. The bigger the sections, the more tangling I get at the root. My roots never used to matt up or tangle. Ah well
Glad I'm not the only one! I thought I was doing something wrong. My hair is soooo tangly.. Even when it's dry.
The only way I can save time detangling is when my hair is braided.
If I detangle my hair, it'll stay that way until I let go of that piece of hair.. Then it decides to tango with any other loose strands it can find. Maybe I'll do an ACV rinse.. I heard higher porosity hair tangles easier, but also it could be texture in general. Not sure.
I'm not sure if you're relaxed/natural but maybe this will help regardless.

I am relaxed and I just discovered the joy of cross-wrapping! Every night I finger detangle and cross wrap my hair. When I take my satin scarf off in the morning, my hair is smooth and still detangled from last night. More importantly, my new growth is stretched so that whether I protective style or just wear my hair out that day, my roots don't tangle as much as they would if they weren't stretched. Granted, this is the first time I've cross wrapped regularly, and I am still not that far in my relaxer stretch, but this has decreased my tangles significantly! I hope that helps :)
I'm not sure if you're relaxed/natural but maybe this will help regardless.

I am relaxed and I just discovered the joy of cross-wrapping! Every night I finger detangle and cross wrap my hair. When I take my satin scarf off in the morning, my hair is smooth and still detangled from last night. More importantly, my new growth is stretched so that whether I protective style or just wear my hair out that day, my roots don't tangle as much as they would if they weren't stretched. Granted, this is the first time I've cross wrapped regularly, and I am still not that far in my relaxer stretch, but this has decreased my tangles significantly! I hope that helps :)

This is exactly what I do as a natural and it works for me.
Good question! For me, it's about 5 seconds after four hours of detangling before my roots knot up again, especially if I'm more than six weeks post relaxer touch up. At that point, I just put my hair in some French braids and call it a week by then, maybe letting them loose in the middle of the week to wear a braid out if I have somewhere to go. :ohwell: