How long are your showers when . . .


New Member
you wash your hair? I have gotten mine down to 40 minutes, This includes washing hair/applying conditioner/comb-out, then washing body, then rinsing out conditioner, then washing face. Of course, I'm practically a shriveled prune by the time I get out, but it used to take about an hour.
Speaking for myself, I wash my hair in the sink before I take a shower. I only go in with conditioner in my hair, so I all have to worry about is rinsing the conditioner away (along with getting clean of course). I cut my shower time down considerably by doing this.
I'm ashamed. I'm in the shower a maximum of 10 minutes every morning. This includes conditioner wash, wash body and brushing teeth.
FlowerHair said:
I'm ashamed. I'm in the shower a maximum of 10 minutes every morning. This includes conditioner wash, wash body and brushing teeth.

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That sounds reasonable to me.
10 mins.=conditioner wash days

20-30 mins.=shampoo/conditioner days

whole day affair= clarifying/shampoo/protein/deep conditioner/ACV rinse days LOL it doesn't exactly take the whole day
maybe a couple of hours and some of that time is spent away from the bathroom under a heating cap.

PressNCurl, is the reason your shower takes 40 minutes because you are doing a deep-conditioner that has to sit for 20-30 minutes? If so, have you considered getting out of the shower to let the deep-conditioner work, then getting back in to rinse it out?

Or could it be that the stream of water is unusually weak? I can see how that would make it take longer to wash out shampoo, conditioner, etc. My sister's shower is like that and it drives me nuts because it takes me twice as long to take a shower when I visit her. I believe her shower head is designed to conserve water. But that's counterproductive to me since, as I said, I just have to take twice as long and end up using the same amount of water anyway. I would hate to have to wash my hair at her house because I bet I'd never feel that I'd rinsed all of the shampoo and conditioner out.

I haven't timed myself but I know I'm pretty quick. I just broke it down on paper in terms of minutes per step and decided that it takes me about 10 minutes or less for a shower that includes a hair wash and condition. It probably takes 20 minutes or less if I shave and exfoliate, which means I can leave the conditioner on longer, or use a hair mask that requires more time to work.
Let's see when I'm washing my hair and taking a shower hmmm
let me think...

First I shampoo rinse shampoo rinse each time massage my head for 1 or 2 minutes with the shampoo, then

I shampoo with the Nizarol shampoo which has to stay in for 3 minutes, then

I wash my body, scrape my feet, etc. by this time the shampoo is ready to be washed out, then

Rinse the shampoo out and apply the conditioner for 5 minutes and I step out the shower, then

I brush my teeth, even if I don't have to but it's just to kills time, then

I get back in the shower rinse and comb the conditioner out, then

I step out the shower, put my face mask on for one minute and then rinse it off.

So I would say anywhere between 20-30 mins!
It only takes me 10-15 minutes TOPS. I wash, apply conditioner, put on a plastic cap, shower, shave and get out for 30-60 minutes. Then I get back in for 2 minutes to rinse out my conditioner and style. Total, it's DEF not more than 20 minutes.
renee_n_3000 said:
PressNCurl, is the reason your shower takes 40 minutes because you are doing a deep-conditioner that has to sit for 20-30 minutes? If so, have you considered getting out of the shower to let the deep-conditioner work, then getting back in to rinse it out?

Or could it be that the stream of water is unusually weak? I can see how that would make it take longer to wash out shampoo, conditioner, etc. My sister's shower is like that and it drives me nuts because it takes me twice as long to take a shower when I visit her. I believe her shower head is designed to conserve water. But that's counterproductive to me since, as I said, I just have to take twice as long and end up using the same amount of water anyway. I would hate to have to wash my hair at her house because I bet I'd never feel that I'd rinsed all of the shampoo and conditioner out.

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My shower pressure is excellent, so that's not the problem. My steps, literally, are:
1. get into shower (hair already divided into 4 sections),
2. wash section 1, rinse, apply conditioner, comb out, twist (~5-8 minutes)
3. repeat #2 on sections 2-4
4. cover head with plastic cap
5. wash and rinse body (5 minutes tops)
6. remove shower cap and rinse whole head with hair still in twists
7. wash face, rinse back
8. out of shower

Amazingly, most of the time my hot water will still be there at the end of all this. Lately though, to conserve water, I have started turning the water off during the 'apply conditioner, comb out, twist' phase.
30-40 minutes for me. I have a water conservation shower head so I rinse for a looooonnng time. It is a pain.
When I conditioner wash only - it takes me about 15 minutes.

When I do a shampoo and whole shower - it takes about 20-25 minutes.
Oh lord, ya'll I feel strange - LOL. It can take me up to an hour.

I'mma have to review why
(course I LOVE taking them so maybe that's it , yaaaaa, that's it......).
it takes me about 25-30 minutes...Having said that..I dont really see NGC, I need to review myself, hahaha..I just like the running water on my hair. That could be it..
I took long showers before i started washing my hair in the shower i that I wash though, iono maybe 30-45 mins.. i like long showers though
NGC said:
Oh lord, ya'll I feel strange - LOL. It can take me up to an hour.

I'mma have to review why
(course I LOVE taking them so maybe that's it , yaaaaa, that's it......).

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That's me, too!
<font color="purple">I'm known as Speedy Gonzalez.
When I do only conditioner washes along with washing my body in the shower, it would take me at least 15 minutes tops. But I only wash my face and brush my teeth before entering the shower. I don't like to spend all day when someone else has to use the bathroom, if you know what I mean. LOL</font>
lol!!! its so funny that you started this thread. my friends at my dorm used to get mad at me when i told them i was taking a shower. My showers are like an hour and a half when i do my hair because i just relax. a regular shower is like 15 minutes though.
I'd say like 20 minutes top
I wash my hair with my hair soap then I rinse and repeat
then I rinse and condition it with the regular conditioner and scrub my scalp. Then I rinse again and put on deep conditioner put on a shower cap and shower. Once I am done with my major parts of showering I rinse my hair rerinse my body and am done