How Do I Pray? Sisters,please respond.


New Member
I have been a Christian since I was 3yrs old and I am ashamed to say that I am clueless as to how I should pray. The last time I was here I told you about the dreams the Lord has been giving me. Ever read the story of Jonah? I'm as he was. The Lord has given me the gift of dreams for as long as I can remember. And for that time these dreams have always scared me and sent me running in the opposite direction of the Lord. Please believe me when I say that everytime I begin reading the Bible and truly walking upright (as best as I can) these dreams start again. Sometimes they are
they are horrible.

I've come to the conclusion that come what may, I never want to be away from Jesus again. So, I am facing this head on. But sisters, I confess that I am a coward. I am terrified to learn of what work God has in store for me. And because I'm so afraid I also feel unworthy.

Starting today I am asking for the Lord to reveal to me why I have these dreams and what He would have me do. Problem is I've never really prayed before. I've always said The Lord's Prayer,but I've never prayed from the heart before.

How do I begin?What helps you get into the spirit or atmosphere to where you feel your in the Lord's presence?How long do you pray and how often?
Any suggestions and advice are needed and most appericiated. Please don't just read this over and not post, I really need help.Even the smallest sentence is apperciated. God's Blessings to all.

Grace and peace....

You mentioned the Lord's Prayer.... that's the model that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given us to pray....

It's like we say it, right, but then when we look at it more closely, line by line, it really is a step-by-step approach to prayer!

Matthew 6:

5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. SPEAK FROM THE HEART!

8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

9After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
HALLOWED, BY DEFINITION, MEANS "to make holy or set apart for holy use; to respect greatly. Set apart the Lord's Name. Say His Name with such love and adoration. Call His Name (JESUS) knowing that there is no other name higher or greater than the Lord Jesus Christ.

10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.

12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen
I have been a Christian since I was 3yrs old and I am ashamed to say that I am clueless as to how I should pray. The last time I was here I told you about the dreams the Lord has been giving me. Ever read the story of Jonah? I'm as he was. The Lord has given me the gift of dreams for as long as I can remember. And for that time these dreams have always scared me and sent me running in the opposite direction of the Lord. Please believe me when I say that everytime I begin reading the Bible and truly walking upright (as best as I can) these dreams start again. Sometimes they are
they are horrible.

I've come to the conclusion that come what may, I never want to be away from Jesus again. So, I am facing this head on. But sisters, I confess that I am a coward. I am terrified to learn of what work God has in store for me. And because I'm so afraid I also feel unworthy.

Starting today I am asking for the Lord to reveal to me why I have these dreams and what He would have me do. Problem is I've never really prayed before. I've always said The Lord's Prayer,but I've never prayed from the heart before.

How do I begin?What helps you get into the spirit or atmosphere to where you feel your in the Lord's presence?How long do you pray and how often?
Any suggestions and advice are needed and most appericiated. Please don't just read this over and not post, I really need help.Even the smallest sentence is apperciated. God's Blessings to all.


My pastor mentioned something during service awhile back, and it stuck with me.

He said to pray as if you are talking to a human. How would you speak to your brother, sister....FATHER?!

Well, in essence you WILL be speaking to your Father! All of the 'thees, thines..' and such, isn't necessary.

I pray by basically talking----saying what's on my mind. And I pray without ceasing....throughout the day.
I'm not always on my knees because it isn't feasible for me to do so during the work day.

I pray quite often while driving.
Most days I just repeat the Lord's prayer or the 23rd Psalms over and over.

When I'm home and something is REALLY on my heart, I go in my closet---sit in my chair (yes I have chair specifically to sit in my walk-in closet for prayer)...I sit in complete silence and darkness...and just talk to God!! Cry it out if you have to!!

Literally just talk!!

Just say what's on your mind..


'Lord first of all, I thank you for all your blessings, and give you the you know these folks at my job are working my nerves and testing my patience. Give me strength please, just to make it through this day'....

something of that nature.

Just real....and eventually it will become second nature!
I agree about talking to the Lord. I usually talk aloud to him in the morning while I'm getting ready, while I'm doing things around the house or driving.

At night I get on my knees and pray. Sometimes I'll play some praise and worship music beforehand.

I'll pray in my thoughts and then I'll pray in tongues aloud.

Also you can include scripture, or paraphrase scripture while you're praying. Things you know to be true because it's in the word of God. No weapon formed against me will prosper... All things will work together for my good...

And ask that His will be done. You might be praying about something you're not sure about so it's good to ask that His will be done in your life. You can't go wrong with that!
I just talk most of the time. When I got something really heavy to pray about I look up scripture and find out what God says in the bible. Then I pray the scripture sort of like "You said in your word that... and I'm asking...." more conversational like. I've been in your shoes before OP. Sometimes I play praise and worship music to get my thinking about how wonderful He is but it just depends on what I'm trying to get across.
So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind" (1 Corinthians 14:15).

9:56am today....I sent an email to a friend and this is what I said

really really rough time for me,tho
....feel like I am in the belly of the whale
as he is swimming against tide

and then I restated it this in another thread in the CF and in my blog
without even having read your post!.. relate all too well to the Jonah experience....
and dreams....

this afternoon
I told my bf that I had a dream during today's afternoon nap after prayer
that my picture books were being given away at a 1.00 rate because I had failed as writer..

but then right after ...I woke up there was a message from a very established law org for artists ..they screen first ..but called to say they had accepted my application..and have agreed to represent me and picture book,pro bono to get my media rights back that I had given away....and wanted to get things rolling.... they called for a copy of the contract! When I told my bf about the call and we both recalled the earlier was wow!

Yes in the dream..the picture book was given away... but God is/was working to bring about DIVINE restoration. Having my media would be a big action towards the vision of my book optioned as an animated feature film and w/the lawyers might mean the pb
could be a property worth their consideration and time.

My God was taking care of me even while I was dreaming lack..poverty..and gloom :)
I am happily confident... these lawyers are enthusiatic and excited about the book..totally
on board ....far far from the 1.00 disaster....
instead ... Divine abundance and THAT is all God there are no accidents ..I was to share this with you

when it comes from the heart...addressed to the Lord...
no matter how many or little words you use..
it truly is prayer
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When I pray I just talk to my friend above. God is our friend and loves us more than anything else. I surrender all of my thoughts and feelings to Him for he knows everything about me anyway. I don't have a certain way of praying. But I do give thanks for my daily existence and I pray for the people in my life and this world in general. After that I proceed to tell God the things that are on my heart. Sometimes I just ramble and release everything on my mind and ask Him to speak into my life about my situation.

There is no time limit to your prayers. You pray as often as you feel the need to. God is always there to listen and he doesn't give us a daily max on how many prayers he is available to hear :lol:.

I am a dreamer as well I totally understand what you feel. When I have a dream that leaves me confused and I want to understand the meaning, I ask God for revelation. He will answer but you have to make sure that your heart is open to hear His answer. HTH
Thank you all for your responses. I'm glad I came here to ask, all of your answers are very helpful and eased my spirit. I feel there's a great task ahead of me that has yet to be revealed. Of course the first step is to establish a strong line of communication between Jesus and I. I must admit that praying in such a personal way is still very new to me and it feels strange but I'm going with it.

Foxy Scholar-I've never looked at the Lord's Prayer like that before. I thank you for revealing it's meaning.

I have much to learn concerning prayer.Are there any books you guys have read and would recommend?

Ballerina Bun-thank you for the link. I have yet to listen to it but I will this evening.
Book Recommendations:

Lord Teach Me How to Pray in 28 days by Kay Arthur

I have another book recommendation but you can get it free from a website. I posted about it in another thread not too long ago and will bump for you.
Prayer is you speaking to God sincerely about whatever it is that is on your heart. You can give him prayers of thanksgiving where you are just thanking him for something that he has done. Or you can make prayers asking for help in a particular situation. You can pray intecessory prayers, where you pray for other people. There are no specific words or rhythms that you need to pray. So long as you are praying for things that are in God's will and not outside of his will i.e. don't ask for sins or any sort because they are out of God's will and although you may get them---the devil is the one who will give you those things just to confuse you and think God blessed you with something even though you know it is wrong.

Uhmmmmmmm. Always end your prayers by saying In the name of Jesus" That is what my mother taught me. That is the only requirement that she gave to me when she taught me how to pray. Also, once you pray, listen. Listen and be observant to God's answers. Oftentimes, we get so caught up in praying and asking for things that we don't notice that God is talking back. Sometimes he obliges us and grants us what we asked for, other times, he may guide us in a righteous direction that may have been close to our prayer but when our prayer was a bit tainted with flesh, rather than spirit. ex. praying for a man to come into your life who will love you. Sounds simpler enough right. Well, you may find a long lost brother--(man) whom you form a wonderful bond with and become inseperable(love).

Oh, Yes, be specific. If you need something and you know in your heart of hearts that it isn't a flesh thing and that you need God to come through for you---pray over it in Jesus name and claim it.---I got my car that way. I needed reliable transportation because I have three kids(two of which are still in carseats) I told God that I was afraid of ending up broke down somewhere in bad weather or in a bad location and being in the situation of trying to walk somewhere with two toddlers and an 8 yr old. I didn't see any safety in that situation, so God put it on some peoples heart to make some moves, things went into action, and I was bless with a car that was dirt cheap, but in near mint condition.

Finally. Give God credit. When God blesses you, esp through your prayer requests, give him credit, let your spirit move you to give him credit however you need to. You may pay it forward, verbalize it, sing a song to him, pray a prayer of thanksgiving, testify to someone of what he has done for you, whatever. Just don't let the sun set without you acknowledging what God has/does/will do for you.