Horses and humans swapping hair products


New Member
So every day I am noticing more similarities between horsey and human hair regimes.

So I'm part of a horse riding forum. and yesterday someone asked if there were any good brands of horse tail/mane extensions. (such a thing actually exists lol).

Yesterday I asked what shampoo everyone used for their horses and they replied that they like to use Johnsons baby poo,Suave professionals(humectant was mentioned), suave naturals(strawberry, pomegranate, and coconut), Garnier sleek and shine,Herbal Essences, and V05. Mane n tail and MTG are also predictably popular.
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Hey there people using mtg and mega tek. I guess if it works on horses then it could work on people & vice versa.
From what I've read MTG was originally made for humans anyway and then people started using it for horses so they made one especially for horses and then people started using that. I use MTG and it works well for me.