Hennalucent --- but I'm scared!


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Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

I am seriously thinking about doing a Hennalucent treatment tonite. I would like to add some zing to my hair and figured this was a safe way to try. Do any of you have any experience with this or have any adverse reactions or lasting effects? Please let me know what your experience with Hennalucent is, before I use it tonite!
Re: Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

The only time I've had adverse affects was when I used Bark Brown hennalucent. It died my hair black!!!! I also tried mixing shades and that was a terrible idea too. I've also used Sunset Glo by itself, twice, and I get a nice auburn tint (mostly only visible in sunlight though), but I like neutral the best.
I have also found that after doing hennalucent, I have to step up my moisturizing conditioners (which, I"m normally lazy about) because my hair is stronger, but needs more moisture initially (like with a strong protein treatment).

Overall, the results are good for me; especially with Neutral hennalucent.
Re: Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

I wanted to add that make sure you mix with HOT water (boiling or almost boiling) to mix up the package and let cool to warm before applying. Also, hennalucent, especially the shades (sunset glo) can be a PAIN to rinse out. To make my life easier, I use a cheapo conditioner (like half a bottle's worth)--after rinsing slightly, I'll use globs of conditioner to work into my hair and the squeeze out; the conditioner takes the hennalucent particules with it. Then I'll wash, condition as normal.
You may not have that experience, but in case you do...HTH!
Re: Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

Here's info on my first hennalucent treatment: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=Women&Number=68127&Forum=,,,f2,,,&Words=hennalucent&Searchpage=3&Limit=25&Main=68127&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=15&daterange=0&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=#Post68127&bodyprev=

Here's info on my second hennalucent treatment: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/s...5430&Forum=,f2,&Words=hennalucent&Searchpage=1&Limit=25&Main=115430&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=15&daterange=0&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=#Post115430&bodyprev

I'll also bump these posts for you. HTH.
Re: Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

If you do this you won't be able to later do a perm. haircolor on your henna-ed hair.
Re: Hennalucent --- but I\'m scared!

ms_kenesha said:
If you do this you won't be able to later do a perm. haircolor on your henna-ed hair.

[/ QUOTE ]
I've done it. BTW, hennalucent and henna are not the same thing.