Help with Journalism Article


When I hit waist I stop
Hey, I'm doing an article for my journalism class on the 'explosion' of message boards dedicated to hair care. It has the option of being queried to one of the big magazines like Essence or Ebony and I really want to do a good job and I need your help.

I have about 7 questions I need to be answered as detailed as you can. Thanks guys!!!

1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions?

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? Are there any negatives?

3. What do you feel you've learned?

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers?

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?

7. Has being part of an online community had an impact on how you view your personal care? If so, how?

Thanks guys. I will pm each person I decided to use quotes from for their permission. Thanks again
1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions?

I couldn't find anything in print (books, magazines, etc.) that was truly helpful to me. I randomly saw an advertisement for another hair care forum and I went from there. I was so tired of the endless cycle of bad hair care. I wanted to see what my hair could do.

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? Are there any negatives?

The benefits are that you get to bounce ideas off people from different backgrounds and you get to see results. It's great to see someone go from ear-length to waist-length hair with hard work and TLC. I don't really see any negatives of being on LHCF.

3. What do you feel you've learned?

I have learned that I don't have to stick to hair products targeted towards African Americans simply because I'm African American. A lot of the products geared towards our culture aren't really good for our hair, thus the lack of long-haired African American women. I've also learned to just try new things and make decisions for myself, regardless of what others think.

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?

I mention it to my friends that are also into hair care as well as my boyfriend, because I know they'll be more supportive. I don't mention it to anyone else because I know they will pass judgment on me. Many people believe that the Internet is a scary place, and for some it is when it's used inappropriately. But I think that this forum is a great place where women of all ethnicities can get together and achieve better hair care.

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers?

Professional stylists refuse to give up their egos of being these wizards of hair care. They need to know that everything doesn't work for every client. They seem to forget that we are people just like they are, not the mannequins they practiced on in beauty school.

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?

I don't go to hair salons anymore. Actually, I haven't been in over a year. But if I do happen to go again, I doubt I'd mention it. Like I said before, stylists can't seem to get over themselves.

7. Has being part of an online community had an impact on how you view your personal care? If so, how?

It's had a great impact on how I view my personal care. From seeing the ladies on LHCF, I've gotten a chance to see mothers, daughters, students, business women, and many more types of women focused on bettering themselves; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I've personally decided to lose weight and adopt a more proactive role in my professional life. I definitely think that being on LHCF has lit a fire under me and pushed me to do more, because I see that it is possible.

HTH. :yep:
1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions? Mainly because I had no one to answer the questions I had and at the time could not afford nor did I want to go to a stylist.

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? Are there any negatives? I enjoy being able to find diverse knowledge and points of view.

3. What do you feel you've learned? I feel like I've learned how to take care of my hair better, how to make some of my hair care products myself which has been amazing for me.

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not? I do mention it and some people just kind of laugh others take notes.

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers? Offering something other than their own point of view. And it seems to me the ability to not cause burns and damage when using chemicals. I am no professional at all but it's been more than three years since I've burned my scalp or caused myself other problems with a relaxer. If I can do that why can't more stylists?

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?

7. Has being part of an online community had an impact on how you view your personal care? If so, how? It has had an impact. I love seeing real reviews of various products and ideas. I enjoy having peers to talk to about skin care etc.
Sure, I'm in. Here are my replies. You have my permission to use any of my responses.

1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions?
The internet is a powerful tool. There aren't too many things that you cannot find answers to if you are willing to take the time and look.
I had stopped going to salons and my hair was getting longer. I wanted more information on how to keep it in good condition.

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? Are there any negatives?
BENEFITS - I'll just name a few. I think the product reviews are priceless. No one is bias about a product. When you go to a product website there is always a spin and you can't really trust the testimonies. Here, if someone endorses a product, if feels more genuine because they have nothing to gain and also the ladies show their results.
- Seeing others who have succeeded. And being able to access their experience and knowledge. Also being able to communicate directly with so many informed women. We all have a common goal beautiful healthy hair whether long, short natural or relaxed.

There are only 2 negatives - One - it is very easy to become a product junkie and develop an obsession with purchasing and trying new products on your quest for the perfect regimen.
Two - It is very easy to become addicted to the forum. Reading, learning, researching, asking questions, looking at hair photos. Spending hours a day logged on and reading & posting can frequently occur.

3. What do you feel you've learned?
I've learned so much about the chemistry of our hair and the chemistry of the ingredients in haircare products. I've also learned so much about protein and moisture, growth, shedding and breakage.

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not? Yes I do but I try not to talk about the forums too much because I don't want my hair obsession to freak anyone out. I always get positive responses. My friends & family trust my hair opinions and knowledge.

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers? Hmmm, some just don't have the time to get to know the client's hair. And I think sometimes they apply a cookiecutter method of hair care when in actuality...what's good for one may not be good for another.

I also think that some are trained to believe that ends need to be blunt and clean at all times and this makes them always want to cut or trim the hair.

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not? I don't go to hair salons anymore. It's been 1 year since I last went to a salon and even then I was only going for chemical services.

Mostly because my husband pointed out to me that my hair looks better when I do it myself than it does when I go to the salon. And he was right.

7. Has being part of an online community had an impact on how you view your personal care? If so, how? Yes, it has helped me pay closer attention to the products I use on my body.
1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions? I'm a member of some black bridal forums. I was asking a lot of hair questions and one of the members referred me to LHCF. I was tired of spending so much money on my hair but still dealing with a lot of breakage. Having "bad hair days" and damaged hair was starting to affect my self esteem.

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? I love this board! I think it's great that I can exchange information with other ladies that have a common interested in Black hair care. I have learned so much in a short time about hair care, repair, and growth. I love seeing women with my hair type with long hair. Also, there is no "haterism" on this board. We are here to help each other.Are there any negatives? I wanted to join the live chat but I didn't have "Java" on my laptop. Also, I have become a "product junkie", I'm buying more produts than I normally would. But hey, they were highly recommended by others from LCHF and I'm seeing some progress.

3. What do you feel you've learned? Knowledge is power! I have learned that Black Hair CAN grow. It doesn't matter what your hair type is. With proper care, nutrition, and a good regimen; I can have long hair too.:grin: I don't have to envy someone else that has it or dream about it. I can achieve it as well. Also, I don't have to spend lots of money on "useless commercial products".

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? Yes If so, what are some reactions/responses? They think I'm crazy because I'm a "internet junkie". But, I wonder if they're going to laugh when I can show them serious progress in a few months. If not, why not?

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers? Many of them don't try to repair damaged hair, they just want to cut it. I was advise to cut my hair a few months ago (Stylist suggested a low fade, Hubby said "absolutely not"). Glad I listened to Hubby and RabiaElaine (she told me about LHCF). My hair has improved alot AND it's GROWING!:grin:

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? No If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not? I only visit braiding salons now.

7. Has being part of an online community had an impact on how you view your personal care? Yes If so, how? It has motivated me to continue to try growing my hair. I love reading success stories and seeing photos of other sisters who have gone through years of abusing their hair. Now, these women can boast that they have long, strong healthy hair. I am proud of them and look forward to joining the ranks.:grin:
I have about 7 questions I need to be answered as detailed as you can. Thanks guys!!!

1. What brought you to the internet for your hair care questions?
The internet has an abundance of information. If ever I have a question I can't get an answer to I always turn to the internet.

2. What are the benefits of being part of this message board? Are there any negatives?
I love being able to talk to people who have goals similar to mine, forums like LHCF connect people who have a passion. Also, I love having a place I can turn to if I have a question about hair.
Negatives of this forum would be the peer pressure you can sometimes receive for a product. For example, sometimes I find myself buying products I may not need at that point and time.

3. What do you feel you've learned?
I have learned so much about proper hair care from this forum that its almost embarrassing. I have learned not to manipulate my wet hair, that rollersetting is an easy way to achieve healthy hair, co-washing is a great way to moisturize your hair, and that pre-pooing can take the place of a DC and save you time.

4. Do you mention the message board to anyone in your real life? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?
Yes, my sister and I are both members of LHCF so we discuss lots of threads over the phone. I love hearing her opinion, plus she is a natural and I'm relaxed so I get that perspective as well.

5. What are some professional stylists lacking that the message board offers?
When I was going to stylist I felt they never gave me enough control over my hair, they made me feel so dependent on them. LHCF has given me the tools to Do-It-Myself, I like having a sense of control over my hair.

6. If you still go to hair salons do you mention the message boards? If so, what are some reactions/responses? If not, why not?
I don't go to hair salons anymore.

7. Has being part of an on-line community had an impact on how you view your personal care? If so, how?
Yes, LHCF is great because we not only dedicated to hair, but its dedicated to women of color looking to enrich their mind, body, and soul.