Help Needed With My Regimen


Well-Known Member
I have natural 4a hair.

Lately, my hair just does not seem to be thriving. It constantly feel brittle to me. This is my regimen

I wash hair weekly with Elucence Shampoo and Conditioner.
I no poo daily with Sunsilk, Vo-5 or White Rain
I typically wear buns everyday. I slick the front down daily with Fantasia IC Gel and apply wildgrowth oil to the front also, and I apply the oil to my ends before tucking my hair under the bun.

Any suggestion on my regimen?
sounds like you need to add more moisture, especially to your ends and throughout your hair, i love ors olive oil and protectiv products hope that helps, i apply protective healthy ends to my hair every nite and olive oil throughout my hair but not on my scalp every nite
I'd be wary of using gel and oil daily while only shampooing once per week, combined with using conditioner every day. You may be having a build up problem. I know it's cliche, but....when was the last time you clarified? :lol:
I agree w/ BlackCardinal. I'm no expert, but it seems like you may have some build-up. Try clarifying as your strands might be coated. Good Luck & keep us posted :)
I would definitely cut out the daily no poo's. That's just my IMO. For me no pooing is just as drying as shampooing. I don't find them moisturizing at all. Give your hair a chance to soak up some moisturizers and oils before you poo them all out.
Calrify and don't no-poo as often. I find that if I just rinse in the shower with plain water and no-poo/cond. wash only once a week, my hair does better. When my hair feels *blah* I clarify with an ACV rince(1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to 4 cups water poured over hair after washing, before conditioning)
IA with the other posters. When my hair is feeling bushy and dry, there are two problems: either I'm over conditioned (and have build-up) or I'm under moisturized. Right now, I think I'm over conditioned, so I'm just water rinsing in the morning and adding leave-in afterward.

You also may be particularly sensitive to silicones, which are in the Sunsilk (even though you are shampooing). Elucence doesn't have sulfates, IIRC, which are necessary to get rid of at least one of the silicones in Sunsilk products. I would clarify with a clarifing shampoo (doing a silicone free DT afterward).
Hey, the conditioners that you are using for daily washing contain a ton of cones. I agree with the other ladies. BTW Suave has many conditioners that do not contain cones... and they smell yummy.
I agree- clarify...Bulidup is so bad...I use Redken Washing Cream.
I had the same problem a few years ago....It was the lack of protein. I use a mild protein and I always follow with moisture and seal with oil. Another treatment that really nursed my natural ends back to life was- while hair is damp sealing ends with oil...
apply EVOO oil to ends(or your fav. oil)
take a small peice of aluminum foil and fold
use a flat iron and clamp over oiled ends for 3-5 seconds
Use very low heat

I got this a loooong time ago from a "for colored girls" post...This trick along with finding the right protein/moisture balance was key for me. oh and also Porosity Control.
Thank you ladies!!!

I will try clarifying. I have Suave Daily Clarifying shampoo and I will try that.