
beaux cheveux

New Member
I need a hair regimen, I never really had one and my hair has gotten along just fine but I know it could be better. I tried writing my own regimen and tried it out this morning, but my hair had hella buildup from too much product.:lol: I still new at this, so I need help, I have 4b-4a hair that is currently has about 1/2 a inch of newgrowth, I am in braids currently, I dont have much products either, I have
Wildgrowth oil
Surge plus 14
V05 Strawberries and Creme
Lekair Cholestrol
Fantasia Clear Gel

.....yeah I think thats it :perplexed
Kinda low on the money:lachen: So I'll have to use as few products as possible.