Heatless Styling / Heatless Stretching / Heatless Curls - Methods & Techniques.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

Wanted to make a thread to help some of you. I don't use any heat on my hair at all but I'm able to stretch it to a very generous length, at times it stretches to my hips without any heat and considering my hair is type 4 (and shrinks to almost TWA) that is significant.

Curlformers - the stretch of one set can last a month
Flexirods - such a quick and easy away to refresh an old twist out!
Flat twists - can help to stretch the roots of your hair, however..
Two strand twists - work just as well.
Flat buns - I loveee flat buns, they look classy and double as a night time style as well as day time.

Oil - I noticed if you moisturise with a light oil like coconut oil it helps to elongate/stretch the hair however
- Water based moisturiser - if you're too generous with your water based moisturiser, it will shrink your hair so if you want a short curly look one day, choose a water based moisturiser over a light oil.

I made a new video which has a few hair tips - http://www.youtube.com/user/bootyfurl

Do you also have any methods/techniques you use?

Timing is key. You can't wake up, do heatless styling to stretch, and expect to be at work by 9 with stretched hair. Most of these styles require a few hours to stretch or dry while the strand is elongated. So many naturals do them at night, sleep on them, and wake up with stretched strands in the morning. Or they do it while they are home all day. This is especially true the longer your hair is.

I stretch my hair with banding. After washing, I will section into several small ponytails, band the roots tight with an ouchless ponytail holder and also band the end the ponytail to weigh the strand down. At times, I'll remove the end band, lightly two strand twist, pin the hair crisscross all over my head, put a scarf on, and sleep on it. In the morning, my hair is dry and stretched.

As I stretch, I also make sure to smooth the length of the strand; I like my hair stretched and SMOOTH.
Great thread and tips!

I am a stretching fiend! My siggie is heat free (and I really could have taken a better pic as it generally falls to BSL by the end of the week and the left side looks kind of messed up :lol:). But anyway, tips:

Water Smoothing- I actually use water to stretch. The key is working in sections and just using a few sprays, working them in by stretching & smoothing down the hair while doing so. Adding more sprays if necessary, getting the hair to a point where it feels moisturized but not wet. If you get the hair really wet, it will revert. But a few spritzes worked in and then topped with an oil then smoothed into bantus or braids stretches for me.

Number of sections - there's a magical number of sections for the ultimate stretch depending on your shrinkage, that may become fewer as the week progresses and hair gets more stretched. Too few sections and you aren't getting max stretching b/c hair isn't taut enough. Too many and you are adding curl/shrinkage back in.

Bun waves- basically a bantu knot out set, but with just a few buns. I don't coil the bantu and let it "fall in" on itself (too much manipulation imo & also increases curl/shrinkage). I lightly twist then manually twist it around itself, rather than letting the twist "force it down" if that makes sense, so it is more of a bun than a bantu. This is my fave stretching style (in my siggie).

Combing: combing as part of water stretching/oiling, esp. while my natural curl is still present (early in the week) helps stretch and smooth.

Terressentials & mudwashes Stretches and clumps curls like no one's business!!!!

Protein/moisture balance I get my best stretch when this is on point.

Keep it smooth while washing I braid my hair under cool running water and get it perfectly smooth in the braid. If the hair goes in organized and smooth, it will dry organized and smooth. If you use conditioner to put your hair in braids/twists/whatever, same principle- keep it smooth!

Find when your hair likes leaveins added My airdries were crunchy until i discovered my hair prefers my leaveins added when my hair is pretty much dry (lightly moist but not wet). Other people get good results adding them soaking wet, or 50% dry.

Drying w/ a t-shirt or towel My hair dries so much softer w/ a tshirt (preferable to a towel since it's gentle on hair) rather than in the air.
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Nothing much to add OP, since I do pretty much the same things you mentioned, except the Curlformers! Thanks! I also do roller sets. I use the large Goody snap rollers after I shampoo and condition my hair. I use a leave-in conditioner and air dry. It takes awhile so I do it on weekends or when I have about one to two hours to spare for drying. This gets my hair stretched pretty nicely.

Thanks for creating this thread and I liked your video. You are sooo funny (and silly LOL!). I love your energy. So happy. :yep:
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