Has Anyone Reset Their Short-Term Goal?


New Member
I was taking a picture of my bun the other day and I realized that for me bra-strap is very far away! I have a long torso and I haven't measured the distance from my crown to bra-strap but I am sure that it is at least 20 or more inches.

My hair at last retouch is 2 inches below my neck! That is a long way to go. This means at an average of .5 inches every month I will have nothing to celebrate or brag about for at least a year!

Well, I learned in Weight Watchers that if you set a goal that seems unobtainable you are more likely to quit before you get there. In WW your first goal isn't to lose every pound you want to...you start with 10% of your starting weight and once you attain that you move on.

Well, let's end a long story...My new goal is the shoulder blades. That I can do in maybe 6 mothns and if I can get more (buns,surge and vitamins!) I will be doing cartwheels!

Have you set a goal that is far away in the future?


New Member
I have mini goals so I won't get discouraged. My first goal is my collarbone which is about two inches away so I'd like to be there by Labor Day. Then I have two more mini goals before hitting bra strap.


Natural Again
My goal, like yours is ultimately bra-strap but after my blunt cut to cut off damaged ends my hair is a little more than chin length so I have a 4 step goal. 1st goal is healthy hair at this length, 2nd goal is just grazing my shoulders (still healthy), 3rd is to the bottom of my tattoo (still healthy) and 4th is bra strap (of course still healthy). The time in between 3rd and 4th goal is gonna be a hellacious wait-out period I already know!


New Member
I originally wanted to reach bottom of bra-strap length by the end of the summer, but I realized that it will be less stressful not to put a time limit on reaching my goal. I just hope to get there soon.


i set 3 different goals for myself and made a timeling based on how fast my hair grows you can see it in my album. i think i will use the braid/extension method to reach my goal.


Natural Again
Like you A Christian, I also have no time limits because I don't want to become discouraged...my hair is a funny thing, one month I can't stop the growth if I wanted and the next month hardly anything


Active Member
I have a desired length and not really a goal. If I take good care of my hair, which is the true goal, I should be able to retain growth. My hair grows 5 inches a year--slower than average, so I really have to focus on care in the short term. I am about six inches from brastrap, but I realize it might take a year+ to get there. Take a look at the albums where people have started with really short hair and have grown their hair very long. On average it takes 2-3 years to realize that kind of growth. Adrienne is a good example. From her pictures, it took almost two years to get from her short cut to bra strap. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. I don't want to be disappointed, so I am just letting this hair thing happen, while keeping my eye on the prize!
Focus on keeping it healthy and the rest will follow. That's my approach. And when you get discouraged, take a look at someone's album that doesn't just have long hair pictures. Those can make you want that hair yesterday!
Look at the ones that have proof that this hair gowing thing takes time and there may be set-backs, but in the end, we are all going to get there!


New Member
I know what you mean about not wanting to be discouraged NYCQT,
and I agree that with taking care of hair health length will follow Ubavka.:)


New Member
I get discouraged very easily. I'm going to have to take extra good care of my hair to even KEEP it in the next few months, much less retain length, so I decided to make my goals action based instead of result based.

So instead of 4 more inches by October...I want to try to rollerset my hair after every wash for two months straight. Wear a bun 4 out of 5 days a week...that way I'm always challenging myself to DO something more (something I can control), not just HAVE something more (something I can't) ...

Most recently the rollerset thing is one goal. So is sticking to shampoo/conditioner/leave in combos for 2 week stints at a time. Hopefully, length will be a wonderful by product of these "goals", and I'll kill two birds with one stone.


New Member
I definitely agree on setting smaller goals. I am in the process of re-evaluating my goals right now. I had a waist length goal for december 2004 and I have a feeling that I really don't want that as a goal anymore. I'd rather have a hairstyle.


New Member
I want my hair bra strap length but I really don't want it longer, so I am thinking that I would be happier at a shorter length. On the other hand, I kinda achieved the arm pit type lengths before, so that would give me nothing new to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
yeah, my ultimate goal is bra strap but thas waay to far away, so my first goal was shoulder length, now its armpit. I think I can definitly acheive it...my hair used to never grow past just grazing the top of my shoulder(bottom of neck length), and now its between my shoulder bladed in the back. I can wait till it rests at my armpits, that will me a milestone for me!


New Member
My hair goals are only for healthy, growing hair that looks good most if not all of the time, no matter what the length is. I've learned so much here from you ladies and I continue to learn.