Has any one tried adding Sulphur to their braid spray


Active Member
Just a thought im currently in braids and i have beemine serum which i was going to use on my scalp. I like the sulphur content in that it aids growth and helps with the itching
but i was wondering would it be a good idea to add sulphur to a braid spray and spray that on my scalp or not such a good idea
i just find it quicker using sprays than applicator nozzles
I tried sulphur once but not in braid spray. From my experience, it turned my jewelry black, didn't notice much growth, and it would not dissolve into any oils or mixtures I made and left bright yellow particles on my scalp.

In theory, I think it may be good on the scalp, but be careful of your jewelry, and try to use it at the roots only.
ooh i have a braid spray containin sulfur already its not very far up in the ingredients tho
so i dont feel like im gettin the benefits if that makes any sence
I think the sulfur would clog the spray nozzle but you can try. Sulfur doesn't dissolve so you would have to shake often to get the particles moving.
sulphur will not dissolve in water.

MSM an organic sulphur compound will. Try using that. I do! It also is odorless :)

I don't know if it helps with itching, but it does make hair softer
mustard seed oil has a high natural sulphur content but stinks to high heaven so is better as an overnight pre-poo to be washed out the next day.
Do not put Flowers of Sulpher (yellow) on your hair, leave it to the scalp only. It will make your hair dry, coated and dull looking.

I would keep MSM on the scalp only, too, you want to get the nourishment to you scalp, I don't think it is beneficial to the hair strand in any way.
sulpher is for the health of your scalp NOT the length of your hair. It's guaranteed to dry out and possibly break you hair with prolonged use.
ok thank you ladies
i was only planning on using the spray on my roots
kinda like surge?
If your hair is in braids I would still be a little leery, it could cause buildup, breakage and general nastiness when you take your braids down. Water soluble MSM would be okay.