Hairline in Need of MAJOR Help


Well-Known Member
Ya'll my edges are a mess :nono:. They are terribly thin. They have been this way ever since I started getting relaxers at 10 years old. I thought it was natural to have edges that looked like this until I came to the hair forum last year. I am ready to change. The problem is I don't know where to begin. At night I wrap my hair with a silk scarf but I think its contributing to the problem. If I stop wrapping my hair I don't know how to keep my style what do I do? All suggestions for growth aids, techniques, scarf tying, etc. are appreciated.

Also, the first pic is my right side and the second is my left. My right is the worst. I've decided to stop relaxing as well.


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You might want to check out some of the threads (you can do a basic search above) for growth aids such as:

JBCO (Jamaican Black Castor Oil)
MT (Megatek) or MT mix (a homemade mix of things like aloe vera, MT, oils)
EOs (Essential Oils)
MTG (Shapley's M-T-G, basically a sulfur based oil)
OCT (Ovation growth system - like MT)

Personally I found help with using a mix of homemade MTG, JBCO applied regularly and MT mix plus steaming and keeping my scalp clean. Keep reading and you can build a regimen to get your thin edges filled in.

Keep in mind, there are no "miracle" fixes. Time and patience will make it happen. HHJ
- stop relaxing edges or apply relaxer at the very end for 5 mins only.
- Also do not relax edges with every touch up - just every other touch up.
- Dilute down a small portion of your relaxer with some Olive oil especially for your edges are as the hair here is more tender/ delicate.
- After relaxing bring the pH of this area od scalp back to normal with Aloe Vera Gel
- Neutralise and then neutralise more and then some more.
- Do protein treatments weekly with a focus on your edges to strengthen them

Growth aids:
- Megatek
- Sulphur aid

No No's
- Anything that puts tension on hair line i.e. wigs/ weaves/ wrapping
Thanks Ladies. I appreciate it.

I won't be relaxing anymore. I also want to know is there a different way to wrap my hair at night with a scarf to prevent anymore damage? I think tension from my silk scarf is part of the problem too.
I'm sorry to hear about your thinning edges. In the next day or 2 I plan to post a progress thread about my edges regimen, but the 2 best things I have done for them are:

-Stop relaxing- my hair is naturally very dense and coarse, but relaxers sucked all the life out of my hair. If I ever decided to relax again (which I don't lol), I know now that I should waaaaay-underprocess my edges. Instead of applying the relaxer to them first (which is what I did for YEARS), I would do it last, and only leave on for a couple minutes.

-Keep all tension off your edges. This includes ponytails, tight scarves, and of course, weaves. I was a WEAVE QUEEN for years, but I haven't had one since last July because I know they're not good for my edges, especially the way I was getting them put in.

Good luck to you!
Congrats on going natural! Or is it a long stretch?
Those edges look all too familiar. :lol:
After easing up on tension, securing hair looser at night, and excluding edges from heat and wraps, everything was good to go within a couple months. Hope this helps.
Congrats on your decision to transition! My edges suffered from years of relaxers. Once I stopped relaxing it helped stop further thinning, but not all of the hair filled back in. I just started using Castor Oil on my scalp a few months ago and that has helped fill it in. Many people use the Jamaica Black Castor Oil, but I have never tried it and have been pleased with just plain Castor Oil. It's pretty thick so I mix it with Jojoba to help spread it more easily.

Good luck!
Thanks Ladies. I appreciate it.

I won't be relaxing anymore. I also want to know is there a different way to wrap my hair at night with a scarf to prevent anymore damage? I think tension from my silk scarf is part of the problem too.
My edges needed some TLC when I joined LHCF and I stopped wrapping my hair altogether and my edges filled back in nicely. I also use jbco but think me not wrapping my hair has been the most help.
@TressNdistress, I decided to go natural for the same reason. I am seeing some improvement. I don't wrap my hair and I am keeping my edges very moisterized and oiled. I would always wear a ponytail to the back pulled tight. I am no longer doing that as well. I am taking note of the helpful information received on this thread. Praying for your success :)