HAIRFINITY results 3 wks in


I am on a hairfinity challenge, I purchased 2 bottles to see if it really works and so far it is working for me. I am on week 3. and I have almost a 1" of newgrowth, My last relaxer was on Aug 16. I had a pic of my newgrowth on 9/16 but for some reason it did not load up correctly.. i barely had .25" of newgrowth and was a month post. I have one more week then another month to decide if iI want to order again or just buy the hair,skin and nail vitamins at walmart for alot less $$$...LOL:yep:

so i snapped a picah for you ladies:grin:... I will update sometime in october, Length check will be in December.

Picture 1 is of my newgrowth now.. (DCing with ORS replenishing pak right now)

picture 2 was my length in august hair was still wet after relaxer.
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