Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

We are starting our work challenge. They didn't weigh us in until mid morning so my starting weight will be off. I weighed in at 154.8 which after eating, drinking coffee and drinking water. That possible means my morning weight is about 152.8.

The people at work keep telling me I don't need to lose weight. They always guess I am 130. I don't think I've been 130 lbs since elementary. I just think that 140 to 143 is a better weight for me. But I will be going for a fit and toned body over a low weight.
I'm getting my hair today by a stylist for the first time in years and i'm scared :lol: i'm sitting under the dryer now.
I went out to dinner last night but it was hot pot so it was pretty healthy. The spicy broth is delicious and then we added bok Choy and spinach and beef and noodles. I was so happy that I wasn't cooking.

P90x3 is still going well, but my power walks have turned into strolls. I need to focus and keep my pace up.

I'm still bunning due to laziness and lack of styling skills but I'm keeping it moisturized.
I would like to join!

Hair Goals
Current Length: NL
2014 Goal Length: Full SL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type:???
How you will achieve goal: 8-10week stretches, co-washing, roller sets

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 192
Goal Weight: 165
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal: lose the back fat and flatten my tummy
How you will achieve goal: making smarter food choices, portion control and exercise
I'm getting my hair today by a stylist for the first time in years and i'm scared :lol: i'm sitting under the dryer now.

She did a great job. I barely lost any length. Gave me a beautiful U shaped cut.

And OT, but I interviewed for an amazing position last week with the state and got it! I start Tuesday!
I'm sooo hungry. I'm not sure I will make it another 30 minutes until lunch time. I have left over chicken bok choy zucchini stir fry.

BGT congrats on the new job!!! And where are the hair pictures?
Went out for lunch today but behaved. I had a veggie sandwich and a side of white bean, kale, tuna salad which I will take home and have for tomorrow's lunch.
Ate my Marie Callender for lunch today. That's what my lunch typically is since I'm on a 1500 calories a day. Or I make me a sandwich. Walked on my treadmill when I got home from work.
Im making beef tips, broccoli and mac n cheese tonight. I think I will eat a dinner salad in place of the macaroni
Eating seconds is a bad habit of mine. Tonight after my reasonable portion of spaghetti with homemade sauce I had spinach and arugula salad instead of a second helping. I'm completely full so I didn't need seconds.

And I put the power back into my power walk tonight. Tomorrow is my least favorite p90x3 workout, but I will just power through.
Fitness: Just finished my 3rd JM workout for the week. I ate during my fasting time this evening because I didn't eat enough earlier.

Hair: GHE with a scarf and two hats on.
Today is not my official weigh in day but I stepped on the scale anyway. I'm down a pound since Monday! Eating less really works, but I have to be constantly mindful or else I just eat without thinking when I'm not really hungry.

On the other hand no matter how much I lose, my thighs stay flabby. Even when I was 15 pounds lighter than I am now they were still big. I think liposuction is my only hope for thin thighs. Sigh...
Im going to the doctor today to get on the weight loss program. Whatever im doing is not working. I will let yall know how it goes

Eta I got there too late/the doc left early so I have tp reschedule for next tuesday. Im so anxious!
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I'm going to start weighing myself on Friday Mornings and Monday Mornings... I need to see how much damage I'm doing over the weekend!

Today's weight was 178...
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Today is not my official weigh in day but I stepped on the scale anyway. I'm down a pound since Monday! Eating less really works, but I have to be constantly mindful or else I just eat without thinking when I'm not really hungry.

On the other hand no matter how much I lose, my thighs stay flabby. Even when I was 15 pounds lighter than I am now they were still big. I think liposuction is my only hope for thin thighs. Sigh...

You gotta work on strength training. That is the only way to trim and tighten those thighs.

I need to do some myself. My eating has been ok, but made some fattening foods, so I gotta watch myself. As far as my hair, I just need to get it together. I am going to wait for a pro to relaxer my hair. I don't want to overprocess certain parts and underprocess others. So might just get a wig and call it a day for my mini trip next weekend.
This week was a bust but I watched my 600 lb life for the first time last night and I hope I've shocked myself back on track. I also grocery shopped and have healthy alternatives in the house again. Still no exercise but I guess Rome wasn't built in a day and tomorrow's a new one. Have a healthy weekend everyone.
You gotta work on strength training. That is the only way to trim and tighten those thighs.

I need to do some myself. My eating has been ok, but made some fattening foods, so I gotta watch myself. As far as my hair, I just need to get it together. I am going to wait for a pro to relaxer my hair. I don't want to overprocess certain parts and underprocess others. So might just get a wig and call it a day for my mini trip next weekend.

Even when I was doing p90x legs & back (lots of weighted squats and lunges) twice a week and Callanetics legs, my thighs wouldn't shrink. I've also tried Brazil Butt Lift from beachbody. Is there a better set of weight work I should try? I'm willing to do anything.
Updates I'm down 4 pounds but I cheated so bad yesterday I know it should have been 5. I digress.

I got in a gallon of water yesterday. Filled the jug set it on the counter and everytime I went in the kitchen I drank a cup! Today not so much but I'm going to try it again! Havent taken my avc shot but will tonight. I think am and pm is good for me.

My hair hasnt been touched since I untangled it but I plan on dc'ing tonight.

Trying not to let the weekend ruin my progress!

Even when I was doing p90x legs & back (lots of weighted squats and lunges) twice a week and Callanetics legs, my thighs wouldn't shrink. I've also tried Brazil Butt Lift from beachbody. Is there a better set of weight work I should try? I'm willing to do anything.

Try heavier weights GettingKinky
This week was a complete bust! I have been doing well with the working out, but can't seem to get the eating on the right track. Still looking for a well balance way of eating that won't make me feel hungry all the time. Maybe I'll try a one week detox starting on Sunday
I tried to make curry but I burned the onions while I was frying them so we ordered take out Indian. I was good,kept my portions small and didn't have seconds.
Got my workout in and ate well today.

I washed and DC'd my hair and I'm currently air drying. I'm wearing my u-part for the weekend.
Body: Worked out 6 times this week. I will probably do a little bit of lower body this morning before taking dd to dance class.

Hair: I will co-wash and DC my braids with light protein.
I'm hoping I can stay focused during this weekend. I'm having friends over tonight who are bringing wine and food, and tomorrow I will be at a bar watching football...I'm power walking both days in the AM to counterbalance the cals, and hopefully I can eat and drink in moderation. It's always toughest for me within the first 2 weeks. I've been doing well so far
Just completed a 20 min Tabata workout. I think that will be my cardio while I do JM Body Revolution. I don't care for the cardio workouts with the program. I completed 5 workouts this week!

I just had my green smoothie and two of the banana but oatmeal drops that I made last night.

Hair: I applied my MN/Sulfur 8 mix, m&s and put two braids in my hair in preparation for applying my u-part.