Growth with Surge


New Member
Does anybody have any pictures or know any links to albums of people who use Surge and got good results with it? My roommate has very thin edges and I want to show her that people have had success with Surge. I doubt that she would want to use MTG. lol.

Thanks in advance! :)
Bump for reponses...i have some pix of surge but not of my edges but some growth in other areas in my album
I use Surge and get good results when I use it consistantly. I don't have any pics though. Sorry. Tell her to try it but add some kind of oil to the bottle for moisture and wash more frequently (at least twice a week) for best results.
There was a member named Pookeylou from a while back, she's not on much anymore, but her pics were posted on the Surge website.
Just tell her to try it. I'm using it and I'm using it on my daughter. I am seeing really good results. I bought the Surge spray, woojee oil and something else...check my fotki on the products. I can't remember off the top of my head which 3 items I'm using, but I see a dramatic difference in my daughter's hair. I've been using it frequently on her hair. My hair was thinning around the hairline after I had my baby and I can see it napping up now that I've been on the surge kick. I haven't took pictures of it yet. As soon as I do, I'll post them. :yep: