God's Messengers

Country gal

Well-Known Member
We all have the potential to be God's messengers. Today I had to leave work early to catch the bus because of the big ice storm (basically turned into lots of rain). The first bus was full so I couldn't get on. I was able to get on my second bus which ended up having people lined up in the aisles. I usually read or sleep on the bus. Today I just couldn't unwind. I ended up easedropping on the guy sitting beside me on the bus. It seems he is suffering from a kidney complications. He sounded so sad and hopeless. I told him before he got off the bus. Keep your head up, have faith and God will make a way. He seemed to appreciate my words. I felt that they needed to be said to him. I feel that God was using me to send him a message.

I remember another time being in Lowe's this summer worrying about bills, and a recent major house repair. This man said to me "you are going to be alright". I just really needed to hear those words. He said them so out of the blue but they felt so right.