Full & Healthy Crown & Edges Challenge 2012

I'm thinking about buying some sulfur 8 for my edges. I want to say it brought them back once. Any thoughts ladies?
CafedeBelleza I believe sckri23 has been using Sulfur 8 and other greases and has seen results. Scri, is that right?

I spritzed my twists, added sulfur oil (concentrating on my edges) and then sealed my length with HH CCW.
Soooo I can no longer use sulfur since I'm pregnant so now I have to figure out a new method to baby/grow edges.
Joining Post #1

4 problem spots for me currently: right and left temples, tiny spot right in the top middle crown area, and the spot right over my right ear
left temple...a bit receeding


a small line of baldness at my crown-- it seems isolated


right temple hairline receeding and seems to be travelling into my actual crown area


two shorts of hair loss right above my ear. First noticed in June and starting to come back slowly but it is better than June. I attribute this incident to change in blood pressure medicine. Since then I have been able to return to the meds that I have been taking for years, well at least the generic version of it.


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Joining Post #2

Just in case any one doesn't know, I'm currently .5 inches from APL, natural 3b/c-- limiting direct heat to once a month...I alternate between twistouts, buns (either straight or curly/wet), and just wearing my hair straight and down.

1. Describe the current state of your crown and/or edges. See pics above...temples, a tiny bit of the crown, and above my ear have thinning and hair loss

2. What is your initial plan to start restoring these areas?

Daily scalp massages with MN mix which includes WGHO, peppermint and apricot oils

Also combatting shedding to keep all hairs on head.

vitamins - a general multi and 1000 mcg daily

I want to do more...

3. What products do you plan on using?

All of the above plus Alter Ego Garlic Mask and tea rinses on wash day

4. These areas need to be loved regularly. How often will you check in with us?

At least once a week, probably twice.

5. Are you willing to commit to yourself and to support your fellow LHCF sisters? Absoutely.

1. What questions do you have? Any other suggestions you ladies may have for me besides being patient! Whew easier said than done!!!

2. What tips do you have for your fellow challengers?

The only thing I can say is pay attention so that you notice problems easy before they get out of hand.

Starting pics above!
And now I'm officially a challenge member! Thank you all in advance for all your support!!!:yep::grin::drunk:
I'm just ordered all of the EOs for the blend that @Nonie used to regrow her hair. Hoping to receive them soon and start on October 1.
I think I have lulled myself into a false sense of security having a twa. My hair is pretty full but I know I still have thin spots in my crown. But I'm not doing much about it right now besides taking my vitamins. So I keep telling myself that I'm just taking a little break until my hair grows a bit longer and I can twist it and oil it.

When I write that out, it just sounds stupid :lol: If I wait until my hair is ready for twist then I will be mad I have all of this holes in my head :nono: Ok, so I'm going to get back in the game starting this week. I was oiling my scalp each wash day and then at least 2x during the week. I am going to get back to that. :yep:

Expect an update from me this week.
Lately I've been using:

Neem & Nettle Pomade
Liquid Gold's "Green Magic"
Hair Trigger Growth Elixir

*with a smidgen of M/N*

Still being consistently on my Game.
I think I have lulled myself into a false sense of security having a twa. My hair is pretty full but I know I still have thin spots in my crown. But I'm not doing much about it right now besides taking my vitamins. So I keep telling myself that I'm just taking a little break until my hair grows a bit longer and I can twist it and oil it.

When I write that out, it just sounds stupid :lol: If I wait until my hair is ready for twist then I will be mad I have all of this holes in my head :nono: Ok, so I'm going to get back in the game starting this week. I was oiling my scalp each wash day and then at least 2x during the week. I am going to get back to that. :yep:

Expect an update from me this week.

We will be waiting for that update faithVA!:yep:
I just rubbed in HH CCW into my problem spots. It's not geared toward hair growth, but it does have peppermint & eucalyptus essential oils in it.
I'm thinking about getting a weave to hide my hair and give it a real break. In the meantime, I would continuing my scalp massages etc underneath the weave but then I also thinking the actual weave might be too much stress.

As I'm typing I'm thinking maybe wigs are the better choice and though I have wore them in the past, in not 100% comfortable with wigs for some reason.
jprayze said:
I'm thinking about getting a weave to hide my hair and give it a real break. In the meantime, I would continuing my scalp massages etc underneath the weave but then I also thinking the actual weave might be too much stress.

As I'm typing I'm thinking maybe wigs are the better choice and though I have wore them in the past, in not 100% comfortable with wigs for some reason.

Also was thinking about braids; are they totally out? Basically trying to figure out what's best for someone who is having issues already don't want to make the situation worse. In the past, I have worn braids which helped me grow my hair out from a short cut and had no problems with my edges or tension. Just don't want to add additional tension to an already delicate situation???

Thanks for indulging my early morning thoughts!

I've been wigging it and I love it.:grin:

It allows me to get to my hair every evening & wash day. I like the flexibility of being able to get to my hair.:yep:

And before it started getting cooler/cold out, I could co-wash & DC under my wig while at work and come home & finish it up.

YAY Team Wigs!:lol:
I'm thinking about getting a weave to hide my hair and give it a real break. In the meantime, I would continuing my scalp massages etc underneath the weave but then I also thinking the actual weave might be too much stress.

As I'm typing I'm thinking maybe wigs are the better choice and though I have wore them in the past, in not 100% comfortable with wigs for some reason.

I don't really care for wigs either. But I think a wig is a better choice over a weave when trying to heal your scalp and edges.
I'm frustrated today because it was like today I really realized how thin my edges have become! I was trying to wear my bun but I just couldn't stand it. If anything it is getting worse, since I first detected the first thin spot. I was talking to my mom today and she suggested that it was probably stress causing the hair loss. That wouldn't be a far stretch...stress always affects me physically. I get horrible eczema, but only in times of stress when things are really crazy. I guess for the time being I just need to figure out how to style my hair.
jprayze said:
Also was thinking about braids; are they totally out? Basically trying to figure out what's best for someone who is having issues already don't want to make the situation worse. In the past, I have worn braids which helped me grow my hair out from a short cut and had no problems with my edges or tension. Just don't want to add additional tension to an already delicate situation???

Thanks for indulging my early morning thoughts!

If you get braids, I suggest leaving your edges out. I did that for my year of transition and they filled in nicely. I'm bout to get some more braids to help me get through this pregnancy and will leave my edges out again because they are still very thin and fragile. I was using Claudie's hair revitalizer and elixir....can no longer use sulfur products though so I'm looking for an alternative.
If you get braids, I suggest leaving your edges out. I did that for my year of transition and they filled in nicely. I'm bout to get some more braids to help me get through this pregnancy and will leave my edges out again because they are still very thin and fragile. I was using Claudie's hair revitalizer and elixir....can no longer use sulfur products though so I'm looking for an alternative.

Thanks...that's a good idea. I'm wondering if the weight of the braid will be too much for rest of my hair too. I'm thinking about sengalese twists.
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I started looking at some wigs today. In the meantime, I'm going to be wearing my hair straight more. For some reason, it seems to be easier to hide the thinning with straight hair. Example of an Updo I did a few weeks ago:


Bun problems

Yesterday's bun...not too bad on the side


Front not so good but I was still wearing


Then today...yikes!!! I tried to move my bun a little higher and I realized I have lost a lot of hair.


So I ended up taking my hair down and just throwing a headband on.


Maybe you can 'hide your hair' for winter via Wigs and still be able to nurse/treat it in the evenings and weekends. And work on the areas you think are a problem.

Then you'll be ready to head into Spring.
I'm still rocking with u ladies! I recently wore a set of twists for 4 days before I became self concious about my still thin crown area. On day 4 my scalp felt tight itchy and angry...so I had to take them down and do my full wash routine. Looking forward to my first flat iron of the season.
[USER=323597 said:
jprayze[/USER];16909079]I'm thinking about getting a weave to hide my hair and give it a real break. In the meantime, I would continuing my scalp massages etc underneath the weave but then I also thinking the actual weave might be too much stress.

As I'm typing I'm thinking maybe wigs are the better choice and though I have wore them in the past, in not 100% comfortable with wigs for some reason.

What are you applying to your scalp to help with your thinning problem? What vitamins or supplements are you taking?

I saw you mentioned scalp massages but I don't remember the rest of your regimen.
faithVA said:
What are you applying to your scalp to help with your thinning problem? What vitamins or supplements are you taking?

I saw you mentioned scalp massages but I don't remember the rest of your regimen.

Currently massaging a mix of MN with peppermint, WGHO, and apricot oil daily. Taking 1000 mcg biotin and a mulitivitamin.

About to start the EO blend that Nonie used.
Currently massaging a mix of MN with peppermint, WGHO, and apricot oil daily. Taking 1000 mcg biotin and a mulitivitamin.

About to start the EO blend that Nonie used.

If you get an opportunity, add some drops of basil, thyme, rosemary and lavender to your mix and a few drops of vitamin E.
Currently massaging a mix of MN with peppermint, WGHO, and apricot oil daily. Taking 1000 mcg biotin and a mulitivitamin.

About to start the EO blend that Nonie used.

I ordered all the oils and so far I have received the Jojoba oil. i scheduled an appt with my primary care physician as well. I went originally to a dermatologist in June and she said just wait for it to grow back, but I want to make sure there are no underlying medical problems.

Reposting the recipe I will be following.
I have been using the Essential Oil Blend (EOB) for Growth since December 26, 2007. I think I have some growth. With the many threads of people reporting of growth using MN and MN mixtures, I thought it be interesting to hear from those that have good reports from using EOB.
This oil blend has been researched and has significant findings. Search google for more info.
The indredients to the essential oil blend is:
Thyme essential oil---2 drops
Atlas cedarwood essential oil---2 drops
Lavender essential oil---3 drops
Rosemary essential oil---3 drops
Jojoba oil---1/2 teaspoon
Grapeseed oil---4 teaspoons

Add the first four ingredients into a small glass jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining 2 ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least 2 minutes every night. Wrap your head in a warm towel after treatment.

You may have heard Nonie's good report with pictures (click link):
as well as others.

I would like to dedicate this thread for all achievers and over achievers.
So Nonie, at the risk of sounding like a broken record...:lachen:I encourage you chime in as well. Thanks ladies!