Fotki 6 Month Update After Big Chop - Stretching Relaxers Really Work


Well-Known Member
See my update. I am taking Andrew Lessman's Vitamins. My hair has always grown fast but always had thin ends. I had over relaxed in the past and my ends thinned out but never knew what it was until this board. I think I may finally be on my way to keeping my hair thick and healthy instead of constant setbacks due to not stretching relaxers.

Thanks ladies for all your help!!! This time next year I should be at bra stap without thin ends.
Wow! That's a huge difference. Your hair looks great! Congrats and keep up the good work!
Beautiful hair, girl. And you will notice a difference quickly - I know chopping the ends can be a little tramatic, but they will continue to grow in thicker - as they have in the picture. You are on your way!!!! Lovely!!