Flat-ironing you hair using mousse


New Member
Does anyone even do this? The idea seems weird to me since the mousse in essence "wets" the hair, and then to use a flat-iron is almost like using a flat-iron on wet hair???? I tried it this afternoon. I applied my gloss polisher, and then some mousse, and when I finished running the iron down the lock of hair, it made it feel the same as when you pull the rollers out of your head after a roller-set, and how the hair feels hard(from using the setting lotion), but when you brush it out, it softens. It really straightened my hair out nice and I was curious of anyone else uses mousse to flat-iron their hair, or if any of you use mousse at all. Just curious...
i been using moose lately to for my pony tails i use the curling one i love it its by shine. i wanna try one of mizanis mooses. but no i never flat ironed wit it