flat ironing and dryness=smelliness?


New Member
every since i had my hair blow dried and flatironed a week ago my hair and scalp has been extremely dry and smelly. i've never had my hair flat ironed but since i'm about 7mons into my relaxer the stylist didn't see any other choice. she used a ceramic flat iron.

are these symptoms of over dried hair? my hair has been shedding alot ever since, too... what can i do to restore the moisture back into my hair?
I dont think that one use of a blow dryer and flat iron would cause so much damage. Possibly it may have been the pruducts that have been used or maybe an alcohol based product was used. Could have been the condition of your hair prior to your visit?

THe reason why I ask is that I went 3-4 months ( which is a long time for someone who usually has a touch up every 8 weeks) w/o a relaxer and was just doing conditioner washes and buns. When I finially got my relaxer and did a wrap with a flat iron my hair was dry! I couldnt believe that after all that I had done my hair had the nerve to look/feel dry!!! I was SOOOO upset. Basically it just letme know that what was working for others on this board doesnt work for me. So Im back to getting touch ups every 2 months and I do rollersets now. I do wear loose french rolls ( protective style) but no more wet buns!!!
the problem could be that they used a sheen spray to blow dry and flat iron my hair. i could not believe that a "hair salon" did not have any moisturizer or hair oil or anything to protect my hair from all of that excessive heat. the blow out alone had taken an hour of constant heat...

anyone else have any suggestions?
DId you say an hour???
That is too long!
About a year ago, I had my hair blow dried ( for the last time!) and the woman blew dried my hair for an hour and it ruined my hair. You should condition your hair right away!! She should have used a heat protectant at least.

The fact that she used oil sheen to moisturize your hair isnt that bad, but the fact that she blow dried your hair without a leave in or heat ptotectant is!!
omg! i knew i should have conditioned right away, but i didn't want to waste the "straightening" affect. it has been a week or so but i'm definitely gonna do a honey w' evo treatment followed by a deep conditioning treatment. here's hoping my hair doesn't fall out!