
New Member
iam not gonna do it although i suffer from dry scalp etc and ive been told try without greasing it and just put some oil and massage so imma do that tonight. i done a hot oil so my hair feels soft and moisurized but ill let u know the outcome and tell u if i get BAD dandraff


Well-Known Member
at first you scalp will be dry and when it get itchy just wash/condtion it. It takes about a week or two, maybe longer if you used petrolium or mineral oil, because you scalp needs to adjust to using its natural oils for mositure. So stick with it during the dry


New Member
The scalp normally produces natural sebum that helps to lubricate this area so if u have dry scalp it could be due to the fact that your scalp is not producing enough sebum


Well-Known Member
Keiron, do you take a Flaxseed Oil supplement? That might help with dry scalp. Otherwise here's a link to a shampoo from a line that someone recommended not too long ago, Rene Furterer , supposed to be good for dry scalp. They've got a leave-in too but since your aim is to heal your scalp to the point of making do without any applications, I thought the shampoo might be better. That way, your scalp will "remember" how to produce it's own lubrication. Methinks applying grease and the like not only clogs our pores but also gives the scalp the impression that it can kick back and quit doing its normal "job" since we will "cover for it". Like Shinka says, give your scalp time to realize "vacation is over" and that no one's willing to support its lazy habit. Soon it'll get the hint and start producing serum like it's supposed to do.