Finally an Update. Lots of pics inside!!


Hair Coach
I updated my album and my hair is doing really well. I am well on my way to shoulder length hair. Yay!!

I have not used OCT or Mega-Tek in months because my scalp just could not take the itch.

I believe I did my last update in November of '08.

The sides are still a lot shorter than the back and my right side is uneven with the left but I am sure it will catch up. I have had 1 one inch trim since November 2008.

Here are the pics:

Oct of 2007


October 2008

March 10, 2009



Nape- I'm so happy this is finally thriving and healthy!!

your doing awesome...what was your nape regime?


OMG!!! Simply awesome growth. What's your KISS regimen??

I pretty much just keep it simple. I wear weaves for 4 to 5 weeks at a time. I stretch relaxers to 4 months. I co wash my hair 3-5 times a week and just leave it alone. When I do leave out hair in the back and on the side of my weave I don't stress over it being straight. If it's nappy then I just cover it up and go.
Dontspeakdefeat, your hair is growing soooo nicely!!! I am so happy for you. We are the same length - in places.


Wow DSD, I can't believe it, you're finally letting your hair grow. No more cutting from now on, right? I am so happy to see some length on your head girl. You did it! Congrats!