Feeling Down About Church Closure


Well-Known Member
So this pass Sunday the church that I attended for the past four years announced that they were permanently closing. The Pastors stated that their season of being pastors of the church is over and it was time for them to move on. They aren't leaving ministry completely but are going to be involved in a different capacity and helping other ministries they have connected with. I haven't been there for any of the services in two months as I have been visiting another church, I am sad that I missed the last service. And I broke down and cried most of yesterday. I remember when I first walked into that church, I was disgusted and scarred from so many bad experiences from churches and the people in them. But being there helped me get closer to God it showed me there was still love in church. The pastors were so transparent about everything and did not like the "perfect" acting, fancy suit and car driving pastor's I had encountered in the past I felt like they cared about us. And they were the first church I went to that was about helping the community they are in and doing outreach. And it was amazing to see the transformation of people that attended. People who were homosexuals and engaged to someone of the same sex are now married about to raise a family, and working/serving in ministry. Seeing people who were alcoholics, womanizers, on drugs, and all types of bondage being healed and delivered! I have never seen anything like it before, and I am so sad to see it go. This church was definitely a place for new believers, the unchurched, and those tired of church as usual that wanted something different. I feel there will never be a place like that church. I know they said their season was over but I still feel so sad.

My SO is taking it really hard, he was very involved in the services and was the first Deacons. He loved serving there and helping others. Now he is feeling discouraged and very sad. It hurts seeing him this way. I have been trying to encourage and let him know that just because the church closed doesn't mean the ministry inside of us has to close too. Now it's like where do we go from here? I'm not sure if I want to keep visiting the church I was visiting or not. And I'm wondering if God sent me to start visiting this other church because He was trying to create a path for us to serve some where else together and now that our home church is closed it's like a push leading us in that direction. Because even though I'm shocked and sad about the situation I always had a feeling that this church was only going to be here for a season and as this year was going on that feeling intensified and I just felt time was winding down. Anyway I kind of want us to visit churches together when he gets ready but I'm not sure. I just ask for prayers of guidance for the both of us as we figure out our next steps.
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All of my prayers are here:


I care very much about what you and your SO are going through. Just know that even though people may change in our lives, God is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.

God will lead you both in the paths of righteousness and all for His glory and His namesake.

God bless you both and Happy New Year!

All of my prayers are here:


I care very much about what you and your SO are going through. Just know that even though people may change in our lives, God is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.

God will lead you both in the paths of righteousness and all for His glory and His namesake.

God bless you both and Happy New Year!
Thanks you so much!!! And Happy New Year!!