Selecting a church home


Well-Known Member
So how do I select a church home? I was thinking about checking about their website as well as talking to some of the leaders in the church to see if it is a Bible-based church, with teachings from the Bible and not gibberish with a couple of scriptures here or there. The ministries offered, duties of members, what am I missing? I need help.

I've been visiting a couple of churches in the DMV, some mentioned in this particular forum.


Well-Known Member
What the deciding factor for me was, Am I getting Fed here. I visited a lot of churches when I switch over to SDA and I just wanted to see if they had the same teachings I was taught. if I can understand the pastor. How was the people, how did they treat each other. How was the relationship with the members and the pastor. Was the spirit of the Lord alive in this church. I visited this one particular church for a few months before I decided that I wanted to make it my church home. I developed a relationship with the members pretty quickly and I love the pastor. I love that they love the truth and it was truly bible based and that was it for me I settled down and now I am up and in all over the place. I have meetings and I am respected and asked questions about doing things and I am still new. In april it will be a year that I have been a member. I had to find a place where I can learn and change my life. to my surprise most of the members drive an hour to get there. that blew me away I am in philly some come from New York for service. They love our pastor. We do we got a great pastor. I hope this helps you with your research and that you find a Church home that you love as much as I love mines. I have only missed one service since I walked in there and thats because I was out of town.


New Member
I have noticed people call it a church home. I just say church is there something I am missing? I grew up Catholic but I attend a Baptist church now but I have never heard people say church home until probably the past year.


Well-Known Member
To me Church home is your family. Your regular church you attend weekly.. Mines is my family. I can't wait to see everyone and miss them terribly during the week. Its my other home away from home.


New Member
Thanks. I guess I never thought of it that way. For me church and family went hand in hand but I can see how some people may not feel their church is a home. Good luck to you Phynstone.