Fast from wrong thinking- day 4


Well-Known Member
Day 4>

Hey Gang,

Every time you put God’s Word into your thought life, you are making an investment. You are building up an account. This account gets fuller and fuller UNTIL it spills over into the other areas of your life. TRULY spend the next 40 days immersing yourself in these new thought patterns, and you’ll see the difference.

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “Not everyone can have great success."


1. ANYONE who meditates on the Word of God can have GREAT success. That means YOU. Psalm 1:1-2 says, "Blessed is the man who...meditates on the Word of God day and night...and in whatever he does, he succeeds."

2. All success begins in your thinking. 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you would succeed (prosper), and be in health, even as your soul succeeds (prospers)." Your emotional, physical and financial well being is tied to your thought life.

3. RE-TRACE your lineage and family tree. SUCCESS IS IN YOUR BLOOD! You are a descendant of the most successful people in the history of the world: Abraham (Gen. 24:1), David, Solomon, etc... You are the seed of Abraham, and an HEIR of all that he had. Whatever God did for him, He has promised to do for you! Galatians 3:29

4. RE-DEFINE the meaning of success. Success IS the willingness to endure pain—the pain of starting over; changing our view of ourselves; the pain of forgiving; letting go of hurt; learning a new way of thinking. Anyone CAN have success; but not everyone is willing to bear the pain of these changes.

5. SUCCESS is not what you have. It's who you are. Genesis 39:2 says, "And the Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man." Notice, Joseph’s success was personified. 1. God was with him. (And God is with you!) 2. The Bible calls Joseph a successful man, before success shows up in his life. (That’s what the Bible says about you, too!)

6. COMMIT TO meditating on the Word of God. It is the first, middle and last step of true success. Great translation of Joshua 1:8 is “Never stop speaking these teachings. You must think about them night and day so that you will do what is written. That’s when you will prosper and succeed.” THINK THE WORD—SPEAK THE WORD—THEN WATCH THE PROMISES OF THE WORD SHOW UP!

I choose to meditate on the Word of God, which is the key to great success. I believe it starts in my thinking and I flood my mind with the promises of God. I embrace the pain of changing my thought life, and expect success. I have a covenant right to true and biblical success. It is in my blood. I break out of all past limitations, and I will walk the GREAT success that God has promised, in Jesus’ Name!
In His Amazing Love,
Gregory Dickow