Dry scalp bad enough to see a derm?


Well-Known Member
I know that dry scalp and dandruff have probably been talked to death, but my dry scalp is unbearable!! It itches and flakes severly almost every day. I have scratched my scalp till it bled (not on purpose, I didn't realize!!)

Every time I talked to someone about it, all they say is "grease your scalp" and suggest a thick, petroleum based grease. With my fine hair, I would look a mess if I greased my scalp. I was using Optimum Oil Therapy Hair and Scalp Quencher, which is very light and has no petroleum or mineral oil. It helped for awhile, but now all it does is leave my hair all limp and leave me with greasy scalp flakes (not nice!).

I have tried anti-dandruff shampoos, but all they did was leave my hair dry, and I didn't notice much difference between them and other shampoos. My mom talked to a nurse that she worked with and she suggested Selsun Blue... the nurse said she suffered from dry scalp and that was all that helped her.

I'm really starting to think that I might need to see a derm. I washed my hair last nite and I still have flakes and it still itches!! Has anyone ever seen a derm for dry scalp?? What was it like?
have you ever thought that you may have psoreisis (sp)?? my mother has that on her scalp...very itchy scalp and VERY flaky! she uses T-Gel shampoo and a scalp medication from the dermatologist. she wasnt using the medicine for a while but when we went to the derm and she prescribed that it cleared right up! i will ask her the name of the medication and tell it to you
Selsun Blue is a good poo for dandruff, but you still may want to see a Derm. to nip it in the bud and find out what's really going on. In the meantime before washing your hair take a boar bristle brush to lift the flakes up b4 poo'ing if you can't do it maybe someone can for. Don't use a comb. This normally help's out good and use a light oil like EVOO to oil u'r scalp lightly every other day or two, u can use a Q-tip or cotton ball to apply it lightly. HTH's
I would CO wash your hair, but a creamy moisturizer on it and sleep with a plastic shower cap. Hopefully that will give you some moisture.

Do you relax?

If so, how many weeks post are you?

Is it really cold where you live?
uncutandgettinglonger said:
I would CO wash your hair, but a creamy moisturizer on it and sleep with a plastic shower cap. Hopefully that will give you some moisture.

Do you relax?

If so, how many weeks post are you?

Is it really cold where you live?

I never thought about sleeping in a plastic cap... I think I'm afraid I will suffocate. :lol:

I do relax with a no lye. I'm only about 3 weeks post (Ignore the date in my siggy. I had to schedule the next touch up during finals and stuff... I haven't been here in awhile!) It's not really cold where I live... It's maybe about 45 - 50 degrees in the daytime.
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yokourt said:
Sounds like a job for M T G If you have it I would say put it to the test !!

I've never heard anyone talk about using MTG for dry scalp. I might have to try that...
About a year ago my mom went through this same issue. Some of the medicines that she takes for her RH makes all of her skin dry. So of course she had dandruff and scalp issues. Since I helped her with her hair all of the time, I am VERY familiar with her issue. There would be so many flakes! We tried both over the counter AND salon formula shampoos and conditioners for dandruff and dry scalps, but they were too harsh and made her scalp very sore. She was on the verge of going to a dermatologist when we found a way to eliminate her sore and dry scalp w/out weighing down her very fine hair. After every wash, her final step- after she rinses out conditioner- is to apply the Aphogee Evening Primrose Hot Oil treatment with a plastic cap. After she dries her hair, I oil her scalp with Organic Root Stimulator Dry Scalp Relief Oil w/ Chinese Herbs. These two things are like gold to her. Perhaps you may want to try them.

Sounds familiar.......

I used to suffer from dry/itchy/flaky scalp for a while. After seeing a derm and using 3-4 different types of prescribed shampoos, we finally found one that works! Prescription Strength Nizoral. The one that's sold over the counter does not work for me. The RX Nizoral worked for about 3-4 years,:) then suddenly it stopped. :mad:

Now I use Kera Care or Design Essentials dry & itchy scalp line and I have no more itching, flaking or drying. I think once I switched to lye relaxers helped alot too.

Hope this helps;)
I was experiencing scalp problems, but not to the degree that you were. I would suggest the following:

1. Rinse your scalp with a water and vinegar solution. I would only use Bragg's raw unfiltered vinegar with the mother in it. It can be found in a health food store. You may dilute to the level that you feel comfortable with and your scalp can handle.

2. Take Omega-3 softgels. I take Country Life's 1,000 mg, but maybe someone else can recommend a brand they're using.

3. I would agree with the MTG suggestion. My scalp has itched for years. This is what seemed to do the trick for me.

4. If this is something that started recently, I would examine what products I'm using to determine if one of them may be the source of the problem. If you use a lot of products, I would simplify my regimen or limit it to the use of natural products.

5. I would probably use Sea Breeze on my scalp. If you do decide to try it, please proceed with caution and test on one area to see if your scalp can tolerate it.

6. I know the flakes are really bothersome, but maybe you should reduce your shampooing for the time being and resort to rinsing while your scalp is healing.

7. And of course, last but certainly not least, if all else fails please see a dermatologist.

Good luck.