does co washing...


Well-Known Member
cause shedding or breakage? i have been co washing everyday and my hair is really soft and conditioned but today i got a LOT more hair in the comb then i usually do. the hair just kept coming out. they were long strands so i dont know if it was breakage or shedding. i detaingle everytime i co wash so i know my hair wasnt taingle so idk what the problem was.
should i do aphogee 2 min. tomorrow?
have any of you experienced this?
what did you do to correct the problem?
I do conditioner washes just about everyday and I usually only see shed hair in the comb. I normally use a shower comb to detangle my hair and it is only after I have put in my leave in conditioner. If you are seeing alot of hair in the comb, it could be an issue of your detangling methods or maybe you do need a treatment.
When I first started co-washing, my hair seemed to be shedding alot .. but after doing it daily for about 2 weeks it slowed down tremendously.:perplexed
cause shedding or breakage? i have been co washing everyday and my hair is really soft and conditioned but today i got a LOT more hair in the comb then i usually do. the hair just kept coming out. they were long strands so i dont know if it was breakage or shedding. i detaingle everytime i co wash so i know my hair wasnt taingle so idk what the problem was.
should i do aphogee 2 min. tomorrow?
have any of you experienced this?
what did you do to correct the problem?

I was thinking the same thing this morning. I noticed a little extra shedding after using the Denman to detangle, so I plan on doing a Keratin 2 min reconstructor tomorrow.
i cw my hair for 3 weeks straight and got a lot of long strands in my comb. But once i used my protein treatment it stopped. I needed a reconstructor at that time but u may not need a strong protein for urs
I love co-washing! I noticed that i was getting some shedding/breakage when I started co-washing daily. I think as you introduce more moisture to your regimen, through co-washing you may need to balance that out with a bit more protein so that you can make sure that your hair doesn't get too mushy or fragile.
I agree with adding a little protein. I wouldn't recommend anything hard. I may used a little Tresseme Anti-Breakage Con and it get itself back.
I agree with the protein.

I hear people talking about how they get more shedding or fine strands of hair from cowashing, but I haven't had that problem, probably because I use protein regularly.
I started the summer cowashing almost daily but I had to stop for this same reason. I added more protein but I really think my problem was more of the airdrying and not the cowashing.

I still haven't found the right method for airdrying my hair.