Does anyone still use Affirm relaxer?


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I currently use Designer Touch lye relaxer, but I'm thinking about switching to Affirm because the results are different from a year ago. Does anyone still use this brand or have thoughts on it? I've read old threads about it, but wondered if there's more recent reviews. Thanks.
I was still using this brand at the shop and at home until i got pneumonia last august and my hair started doing something weird stuff from being sick but it was my ride or die i have sensitive scalp version
Thank you! Besides my hair falling out I am fully recovered I forgot the name the dermatologist called it . I just looked at the box and it didn’t say fiber guard it says sensitive scalp but I think when I was going to the shop (only stopped cause I didn’t want to risk it) hers was in a green and white box and I think it said fiber guard. Affirm has always worked on my fine hair. Good luck!