Does anyone STILL think that WGO is the bomb!

Really, a couple drops was all it took? Great! Peppermint EO will be my next buy, thanx for info :yep:

Yeah about 5 drops or so. Be careful with peppermint oil and any other essential oils. They are very potent and must be used/diluted with carrier oils. I like WGO. Smooths my new growth and sometimes I have used it to seal although it is a "heavier sealing oil".
Question though, are you guys using it on wet or dry hair?? I'm assuming wet because oils don't moisturize. For the relaxed ladies, if you put it on your wet hair, how much do you put?

It seems really heavy. I have the regular kind (not light) and i think it's a little heavy.
I picked some up a few weeks ago. I think its a good mix of the oils. I use in on wet hair, dry hair to seal after moisturizing, as a oil pre-poo and on my scalp. I like it alot. I don't care for the smell but it isn't a deal breaker.
I just bought my first bottle on Saturday. I put several drops on my dry new growth. My waves of new growth just melted away. i can comb through my hair now without any new growth getting in the way. I'll definitely keep this around for whenever that new growth pops up and wants to fight with me. I didn't notice the smell once it was on my head and yes, it was very moisturizing for my hair.