Do you really base your scalp before a relaxer?


Well-Known Member
I sure do. I base twice actually - the night before and the day of my relaxers. I have a very sensitive scalp so I do this to protect my super sensitve scalp from burns.

Also, I don't want my hair to end up over processed because I am currently going for more of a texlaxed look anyway:yep:.

la mosca

New Member
How do you base and have it not get on your hair?

I use the base by Nairobi, whick comes in a bottle with a nozzle that allows you to get it right on the scalp. Even so, a little gets on my new growth. That doesn't seem to have interfered with my relaxer, though.


Well-Known Member
I haven't based my scalp in a long, long time. I do put Vaseline around the perimeter of my head and on my ears. I never burn, even when I've been scratching my scalp.

I've only used ORS no-lye (box & professional) since I started relaxing again.


Well-Known Member
I always base my scalp. I put my summit sensitive scalp into an applicator bottle like this:
to avoid getting the grease on my hair.


Well-Known Member
I don't base my scalp but my hair is pretty oily:look: and I never burn. My new growth be too thick for all that there. Maybe, I'll start..idk...


New Member
I have only self relaxed two times. The first time I based my scalp and was fine. This last time I got lazy and didn't; burned like crazy and didn't turn out right. I use Silk Elements Shea Butter Lye Relaxer in mild.


Well-Known Member
I self-relaxed for the first time this week and based my scalp more than any stylist ever has. Twas the most pleasant relaxer experience ever!


Well-Known Member
nope. I sure dont. Its too time consuming and Ive never had a problem so I dont.

Of course, I also add like 1/4-1/2 cup of oil to my relaxer and sometimes a few tsps of conditioner so maybe thats helping slow down the process and keeping my scalp from burning....

I do put petroleum jelly around my edges and on my ears and neck though because that skin is VERY sensitive.


New Member
With lye relaxers I would base before going to the salon and my stylist would base my scalp and around my hairline as well and I would still burn. Now that I self relax I only base around my hairline since I use a no lye sensitive scalp relaxer. I don't burn at all and love it.


New Member
I thought one was supposed to always base before relaxers. This is honestly the first I've heard of not basing. Interesting.


Well-Known Member
I always base my hairline and top of my ears, but my scalp.....not so much. :look:

I never burn and I cowash the night before relaxing and I scratch my scalp whenever. I'm lazy about basing and my hair hasn't suffered. I probably should though.......


Well-Known Member
Always. I part my hair in very small sections and apply before relaxing. I have a really sensitive scalp and use lye so skipping this step would definitely be a recipe for relaxer burns/scabs.


New Member
I didn't used to base my scalp for years until I actually burned my skin in the front and on my ears and scalp I won't relax without basing