Do you have friends who feel like....

sounds like one of my best friends years ago. it used to boggle my mind. since then, she's gone natural and does her own hair 95% of the time now unless she gets it blown out at the salon. I think it just goes to show that often we think we can't do something because we've never tried it.
I have a friend who gets her hair done every Friday-Period! Granted she has nice hair and it does look nice! With that being said,now that she see's how far I have come-she is seriously taking steps to become more hair independent! I am actually surprised! She told me she wants to get to a point that she can eliminate the stylist altogether;she says she does not want to be dependent on the stylist-YAAAY!

On another note I have friends whoms hair is just eaten up! They ask me what I do to my hair.I tell them the very basic because I no longer waste my time with those who want a quick fix! Instead I direct them to BHM! If they are not calling to ask little questions here and there-then I know they don't want it bad enough-so I let them continue to run in the salon until they come to their senses!
I don't see the big deal IF you have the finances to do so. I would like to go to a stylist but the ones I've met have looked like they don't want to touch my hair w/a ten foot pole. They have commented on the length and thickness as being too much and I'm not letting anyone touch my hair who thinks I have too much.
My mom is like this. I will admit that her has been looking really nice for the past 4 years since she has been going consistently to the hair stylist. She goes at least once or month or for a touch up. The issue is that she doesnt wash her hair until she goes back to the salon. By the 3rd, 4th, or 5th week her hair get super frizzy and is all over the place. She then tries to blow dry, flat iron, and rip a brush through dirty puffed up hair. She wont let me wash it. She wont wash it herself. My hair doesnt look terrible and I can do hair pretty well. But she just wants to stick to what she knows will work. I keep telling her that trying to style dirty oily hair wont heat style right. She wont listen and then become upset that her hair doesnt look right.

She can do the basics but I guess her doesnt come out looking like salon results. It been a while since I have seen her do her own hair from scratch. I do understand that she doesnt want to wash out the semi perm rinse or stand over a sink. I told her she has other options like I could put the rinse in for her and she could hop in the shower to wash her hair. She just would rather not do it or even let me do it. So now she is walking around with big poofy hair.

maybe she should use dry shampoo in between visits.
I know its not popular on the boards, but yeah I"m one of those people that frequents the salon. and its not bc I'm lazy. I've read tons of material over the years and have done my own hair MANY MANY times over the past several years, tried several different products/techniques, been extra careful and still my hair comes out better when I am going to a good salon vs when i do it myself. I usually end up doing it more harm than good at home, no matter what I try, not to mention looking a hot mess. I would plan it out, follow all the right steps, and still come out with crispy hot mess looking hair.
Even though now I can do anything to my hair ( beside kinky twist the kind you do not start with a braid,...hugh...thought i could until i tried it yesterday...), before i turned 18 and move to canada for my studies, my mom would do everything hair related to me. She would wash it, condition, detangles every month and I will get braided that same week end. So the main reason why i relaxed before i moved here was the ease to wash my hair once it was not longer natural. But i can understand someone who cannot wash their own hair. If she has always had her hair washed by someone else, the simplest thing as just let the water run down her hair under the shower won't come up to her mind...
i guess everybody is different because i used to get my hair done but not on a regular schedule and my old hairstylist would tell me what she was doing to my hair and tell me how to maintain it at home, and since i have lost touch with her and cant find her i have learned to do it myself. But even then i was cheap and would hate to go to the salon. but its nothing like having somebody else wash your hair. that feels so good :love:
I don't think ill ever be comfortable doing any chemical process or cut my hair by myself. Everything else I can do w my eye closed or learn to do w a little practice.
I used to be that person. Not to the extent of not washing my hair because in the summer I would do WnG ponytails & buns, but flat ironing my hair :nono:. I think it's because when I was younger (13 or so) I had a bad experience with it. I was flat ironing my hair, and I dropped the iron. My hand landed between the plates. Luckily I didn't have any burns, but it has made me nervous to do it on my own since then. This winter I will definitely be trying.
When I first started getting relaxers I was like this. If I tried to wash and style my hair I ended up with a poofy mess. Practice makes perfect. She probably had the same experiences as me.
I was at the salon faithfully every weekend. I was addicted to silky straight hair (this is before I knew about flatirons) and I didn't care about spending $40 at the salon. I knew how to do my hair (rollersets are my specialty), but i wanted somebody else to do it for me. When I got tired of the split ends and SL hair that never grew I became a DIYer. I now go to the salon 1-2x a year if that.
I used to be this way but thank god my former stylist moved away 6 years and I finally learned to style my own hair. Now I will never go back to being dependent.
YES! 2 friends of mine. One has long mbl relaxed hair and she will not under any circumstances even so much as make an attempt to do her own hair. She will go on vacation and not get her hair wet and she vacays pretty frequently. She said she makes sure her hair doesn't get wet and if it gets a little frizzy she'll use her Instyler. She goes every 2 weeks for a wash, set and blow. There was a time she didn't get to go for one month and she still refused to even touch it herself. She said she can't manage her own hair, and she just likes the feel of someone else doing it for her. I must say, her hair is always laid. It's long, thick, healthy, and always silky. She uses the same products - Biolage poo and conditioner, and will spray some serum on her hair when she wraps it up. She's even begun to work out and when I saw her, her damn hair was still laid. You would not think she was sweating up a storm. I'm thinking maybe her hair is trained by years of getting wash n sets, that it always manages to remain silky - idk. It's amazing.

Another friend of mine was natural for a few years and she would be in the shop every 2 wks getting it washed, blow out, and flat ironed. She went back to relaxing and even back in the day when she had a relaxer she refused to do her own hair, b/c she said it just wouldn't come out right. I kinda don't blame her, she has hair that looks best when it's done professionally and her hair has never been longer than neck length and seems to look best when she gets it done. It's just expensive for her, so I feel for her.

A lot of women outside of the boards don't wash or do their own hair, especially up here w/ Dominican salons everywhere, there's really no need to. I can do a pretty darn good rollerset, but its still not as tight and nice as when they do it. And I get them to blow my roots for me or I can get pin curls. I personally don't like the styling of my hair. The only thing I'm anal about doing myself is literally the washing, conditioning, and detangling of my hair. To get my hair styled I'd have no problem w/ letting someone else do it for me. I don't like the labor and I'm not skilled in that area. If I were natural, I don't see myself doing a bunch of these styles that I see done. For example, I've seen some really nice flexi rod sets - I'd easily pay someone to do that for me :lol:. I just don't have the patience or the inclination at all. I'd probably be a twist out and bun queen. Shoot, even flat ironing my own hair is a pain and it never comes out right. I've kinda given up on that too :lol:. I'll stick to rollersets or airdrying.
My mom is like this. She gets salty if she sees someone else washing their own hair...she feels like one of us should wash her hair too. :spinning: ::perplexed

She goes to a hair school about every 2 weeks.
A number of my cousins didn't know how to take care of their own hair for the longest. Some still don't. Being from NY going to the Dominicans is so cheap that we never really had to learn how to do our hair. But when I moved to ATL I had to because a wash and set here is as mush as, if not more, than what I'd pay in NY to get my whole head relaxed, washed, treated, trimmed AND set.

What I'm not great at is styling my hair. Relaxing my hair for so long allowed me to wear it straight all the time, so I never learned how to braid, flat twist, etc... so I struggle some now with styling my natural hair if I'm doing anything other than a WnG or straightening it. So washing, dc'ing ad all the basics of cleaning and treating my hair I can do, and I can straightening my hair wonderfully and apply product to do a WnG!

But I can see where people are coming from. It's nice to allow other people to do your hair, and if you have the means to have someone else do it all the time then hey, why not?!
I dont want to be one of those who go to the salon every two weeks anymore. Im very hair challenged but im getting better. I'm even watching videos on cornrowing so i can learn to saw in hair.
I was this exact way until January of this year. I used to go to the salon every two weeks, and relax every 8 weeks. This is the first time I've ever taken care of my hair. And until this year, I did not believe I could do my hair either. When I told people this, they would shake their heads at me. The reason is that I lived in New York and salons are a dime a dozen. I also did not believe I could take care of my hair properly and this belief was/is perpetuated by my mother.

I moved away from my hairdresser and due to my new extremely busy schedule, I've decided to learn how to do my own hair. It's extremely freeing but also extremely frustrating.
I was like this when I was relaxed. I went to the salon every week since I was in middle school. My mom taught me that certain things should be left to a professional (relaxing, pressing), plus all the people I knew who did their own hair looked terrible. I did know how to wash and blow dry my own hair, but I hated to do it. Once I went natural, I stopped going to the salon at all. Now I go every now and then.

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