Do we really NEED protein?

Hey ladies, I didn't mean that naturals don't need protein at all. I meant that they may not need it as much as I do.

I wasn't slamming on you, but a lot of posters like to state matter of factly that naturals do not need protein which is not true. I have never seen anyone tell a woman who relaxes that she doesn't need moisture so I don't get why people think naturals don't need protein at all.
The thing about the article that confuses me is that they are basically saying that there are other ingredients you can use that will do a better job of strengthening the hair than proteins. For instance, fatty quaternium compounds and silicones. It is confusing that they are saying these different kinds of ingriedients essentially serve the same purpose.
I would experiment a bit more if you can. Maybe you just need to use more milder proteins. :yep: A lot of people rave about Aubrey Organics GPB. I may have to look into myself. :blush: And of course you should always follow with a moisturising DC.

Thanks! Ya, I've been meaning to try GPB for a minute. I've only tried aphogee. But buying moisture DCs is so much more fun.

Mizani moisturfuse also works well for me, doesn't that have hydrolyzed wheat protein?
Thanks! Ya, I've been meaning to try GPB for a minute. I've only tried aphogee. But buying moisture DCs is so much more fun.

Mizani moisturfuse also works well for me, doesn't that have hydrolyzed wheat protein?

I think you will actually find GPB "More Moisturizing" than most "Proteins" it is actually a Balancing Conditioner.:look:

There was a lengthy discussion recently in another Thread about the actual Moisturizing Properties of GPB. I think you will find your hair definitely moisturized after using this 'balancing' conditioner.:yep:
This topic is so confusing to me. I'm relaxed so I figured by default, I need protein. I have done aphogee 2 step twice and I use the 2 minute, but it seems that my hair doesn't react well to it at all!!!
And I could never imagine my hair being mushy ever.
I don't know. Is it possible that someone chemically treated doesn't need protein?
I don't think so. Maybe I need to try different products.

This is a frustrating topic.

Thanks for the article OP.

I feel the exact same way. My hair doesn't respond well to hard protein treatments. I once added an egg to ORS hair mayo and DC'd with it and the next day my hair was a hard bushy mess. I would never dare try an Aphogee 2 step treatment or Nexxus Emergencee..I'm shakin in my boots! I do a mild protein every week or so (Aphogee 2 min or Suave damage care) but I still can't really tell when my hair needs it.
The thing about the article that confuses me is that they are basically saying that there are other ingredients you can use that will do a better job of strengthening the hair than proteins. For instance, fatty quaternium compounds and silicones. It is confusing that they are saying these different kinds of ingriedients essentially serve the same purpose.

Great post op! The answers and discussion in this thread are excellent.

I would agree with you that it gets confusing. I highlighted the sentence above for a reason. I looked at the link you provided. My comment is, always consider the source. The source of this information is from a group of people who are cosmetic chemists.

They are indoctrinated/believe in using sythetic chemicals and ingredients. That's what they do/their business, that's how they make their living. If my business is flowers, I am going to encourage you to use flowers as much as possible. It is up to the individual to determine whether or not she needs flowers or not, what kind she needs and how she wishes to use those flowers.

I guess that goes back to Mook's quote from Sisterslick. I would add another quote, "Know Thyself". That is the hard part and the goal: Figuring out what works best for a person, for a person's hair, no matter what's happening with someone else's head.

(syncerlyhis- Your hair is gorgeous!)
Although I'm 100% natural, my hair absolutely loves protein. My strands are fine and need to be strengthened regularly.

What proteins are you naturals using?

I mainly use Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor and Nexxus Emergencee ... and I always follow them up with deep penetrating moisture treatments.
I think you will actually find GPB "More Moisturizing" than most "Proteins" it is actually a Balancing Conditioner.:look:

There was a lengthy discussion recently in another Thread about the actual Moisturizing Properties of GPB. I think you will find your hair definitely moisturized after using this 'balancing' conditioner.:yep:

Ya, thanks I'll look for that thread, I know the discussion you are talking about though. I definitely read it before. Or maybe the discussion just happened on more than one occasion. I have to go back and re-read though because I don't remember much. I hope I find it.
People also say that they love this condish with heat or steam, you being one of those people IDare! :yep:

I do a mild protein every week or so (Aphogee 2 min or Suave damage care) but I still can't really tell when my hair needs it.

and there it is folks! I don't know when and if to do it. the strand test doesn't always work out for me.
I've read that sistaslick article so many times.
^^^I find if I wait til my hair really needs it (I mean I can tell I need a protein treatment) then I've waited too long, and my hair is out of balance. I prefer to add my protein in tiny shots of 2 minute aphogee once a week or 2 weeks; this seems to keep things going along at a nice clip.

So if everything is going as it should, my hair never seems to really need anything. That's how I know I'm doing a great job at balance :yep:
Well my natural hair likes protein, whether it's hydrolyzed collagen, silk amino acids, milk protein, or eggs. I use it as a preventive measure, meaning I don't wait for my hair to break off left and right in order to start using it. My hair is strong w/o protein, but it's stronger with it so I'll continue to keep using it, it's a staple part of my regimen.