Directions for Rollersetting type 4A hair


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I've been natural since New Years and I'm still learning about my hair. I used to think that my hair was 3C/4A but after seeing SweetCocoa's album and seeing how much straighter her hair was, I think that my hair is 4A.

But I digress...I did a search on rollersetting and I couldn't find any step-by-step directions on how to rollerset natural hair.

So to all the natural 3C's and 4A's...What exactly do you do to wet rollerset your hair? How much more looser is your curl after doing a rollerset?

Thanks in advance!

I can't say for sure exactly what my hair type is, but I think it is around 3b/3c, maybe even some 4a. But anyway my hair is very very curly and I just had my first succesful rollerset. All we did was take my wet hair, then to set it we used profectiv's breakfree pulled my hair really taut and rollerset it exactly how you would relaxed hair. My hair got as straight as many relaxers after I got out from under the dryer.HTH!
Hello EbonyEyes,

There's a thread called "Problems Roller Setting" in which AmiLion gives detailed directions on roller setting. It should work for 4As.

